Hello ret fam

i see you guys buzzing around about your up and coming rework, i am truly happy for you
hitting up all your warrior friends
but instead of trying to make a sentient rock speak to you
have you considered


hunter pets are cuter than warriors
sv lowkey cranks and no one’s talking about it
long cc chains where you can hoj something other than a healer
we appreciate you more
we have a spooky owl that lets you hoj thru pillars
you get to say you didn’t run retwar

idk something about hunter defensives


depends on the warrior tbh

my raptor is bounds and leaps cuter than all 4 of my warriors put together, dunno what u mean
prob smarter too

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even the warriors know what’s up

consider cupid today, retfam

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yet you always bench him

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Reban isn’t that cute.

I took that school photo of him right before I ran into you earlier.

I only bench harold when I can trust a healer.

Then I’ve got Freddy, or Wynona, or Randall, and I need a new pet named Tobias. That’s for next week.

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He’s dead.

and super duper cute
once i can put a tophat on him, he’ll be as dapper as you too kennie

Or, counterpoint, Kennie is cuter than hunter pets and is a warrior.

Hmm. Let me see if I can whip something up…

hard disagree, my brainwashed retwar brother, Eressëa is the cutest raptor on the planet
she intimidate, she mortal strike, she freedom
when she needs a break, rintwuuku comes in to not get waked by paladins

please view my file on the matter in the original post

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Ive actually always prefered Ret/Feral

So I can have the cuteness of a pet without the burden of a hunter.

a man of culture
i stand corrected



does exist for the bm hunters of the world.

Cute. I remember there being a monkey in the…Swamp of Sorrows, I think? With a fez.

That’s legit