Just wanted to drop a note to say hello to everyone. I recently (i.e. two weeks ago) started playing WoW again after a 13 year hiatus - I started just as TBC launched and played through most of the WotLK expansion. Then real life happened, and I never made it back…until now.
I’m a casual player that enjoys questing, storylines, and lore. My previous playing experience is on PvE servers, but I’m looking for a more immersive experience, which is why I decided to try out an RP server. I am completely new to WoW RP, but I really look forward to learning more about the roleplaying experience and developing some characters here on CC-SoE! (I enjoy tabletop RPGs and am a veteran live-action roleplayer, so not new to RP in general, just WoW RP. ^^)
Feel free to say hello in-game sometime, if you would like! Right now I’m working on the alt I rolled on CC (Moreta is currently hanging around Stormwind), and I’ll be looking at transferring Drusaka here over to CC-SoE in the near future.
P.S. - I have already joined the allianceOOC channel.
P.P.S - Anyone have any guidance on lore timelines? Working on character backstories, and my mind is spinning. Nothing seems to agree - I have so many questions…argh. Does Stormwind use the King’s Calendar? What is the current lore year? Trying to catch up on 13 years of lore updates…* facedesk * Please send help.
As far as lore is concerned there are so many sources and a lot of retcons, so its not that important to be totally detailed on it. I always found if you pay special attention to the quests and the racial lore associated with whatever you are playing, it is extremely helpful.
As has been pointed out to me and others who ask, you can always play the poor isolated character who does not know everything. Then you can always ask here! If you have a specific question, we can always tell you what we usually accept and let you go from there.If we don’t know, we will at least give you some directions on where to find out the information.
Also, get the add on called TRP3, and the extended part. It’s amazingly fun to fill out the details and all the little extras like a last name, more information on personality, etc.
My advice to those who are new to rp in general is to keep it simple. If you go into too much detail, you do not leave anything for someone to find out from you by rp! Work on basics like personality and descriptions if your avatar does not match the idea in your head. (ie: scars, different colored eyes, limp, etc.)
Thank you, Malcotin! Looking forward to playing here.
In a way, it’s reassuring to know that this seems to be a standard issue and is not just the result of poor researching skills on my part. I was aware that there were discrepancies in the lore timeline, but didn’t give the whole thing much thought when I was only concerned with playing PvE content. Now that I’m looking at it from a roleplaying perspective, I realize just how much I don’t know!
This was my plan, and I assumed I would be fairly safe playing a Stormwind citizen that has never left the city. Imagine my surprise when I discovered the Park District had been obliterated by Deathwing and rebuilt as Lion’s Rest during my time away from the game. (Along with countless changes throughout the rest of the game universe.) Eep! Needless to say, I’ll be keeping my roleplay vague until I can catch up. Haha.
I just recently added TRP3, and have really enjoyed all of the opportunities it gives for fleshing out the details on a character!
I also looked into TRP3: Extended, but it looked like it might be a bit complex (but really neat!) for a beginner like me, so I passed on it for now. I figured I would work on familiarizing myself with plain 'ol TRP3 first. But if I will be missing out on something by not having the extension installed, please let me know!
Again, thanks so much for all of the advice! I really appreciate it!
Greetings and welcome to our server! I have definitely seen Moreta walking around Stormwind! She walked by and unfortunately I was on a character that… was just meditating by the canals, so no chance to talk. But I will definitely have to see about paying more attention when I’m on a character that’s more sociable.
As far as lore timelines, I use WoW Wiki’s “Unofficial” Timeline to determine how many years have passed since general events, and it uses the King’s Calendar, but I never use that specifically when I RP (ironically, never been asked the date before). So things are usually in the normal calendar or generic terms (Monday/Friday, two days from now, three years ago, etc). Looking forward to getting to know your character and of course let us know if you need help with anything.
No worries about not having a chance to talk - to be honest, with me being new at this, and Moreta being a work in progress, I might have had a small heart attack if anyone had attempted a walk-up encounter. (My goal is to have her basics fleshed out on TRP3 by tomorrow evening so I can go lurk at the Volunteer Guard Day event. )
The main reason I’m obsessing over timelines at the moment is to try to figure out if a story idea I have will work…
I’m attempting to determine how many years have passed since the Culling of Stratholme. So far, I’ve found separate references placing it at 610, 612, and 617 K.C. respectively.
I’m holding out hope for this version of the timeline:
https:// moon-guard. fandom. com/wiki/King%27s_Calendar
(copy, paste, and remove spaces since I can’t post links…)
It has the longest span of time between the Culling and the present date, which benefits my story. The WoW Wiki version gets me close, but the couple of years’ difference would force me to change things a bit.
I would appreciate any insight you (or the rest of the forum hive-mind) can offer!
(Hopefully this all makes sense - it’s way past my bedtime, and my brain is giving up for the night.)
This is the closest and most detailed version of a year-by-year timeline that I can find for WoW: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Timeline_(unofficial
However even it comes with a caveat that it’s not confirmed canonically, and changes keep being made to it. For instance there used to be a 5-year-gap or so between the events of Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm, but it seems this was retconned so that each expansion took place in 1-2 years time instead. (Which is a little odd when you think about how many world-threatening events have happened in this last decade on Azeroth, but hey, I guess it better matches the IRL timeline of release dates…) For this reason I tend not to assign dates to anything in RP, and am also vague with the ages of my characters, since I just can’t find anything consistent for how much time has passed ingame since WoW was launched. Added to the confusion is a lot of players will shorten the length of time it takes their characters’ children to grow up or be born, and there’s even headcanons that, say, elves have longer pregnancies because they have longer lives and so on, and none of it is even in a standard way that all RPers agree to!
So, my advice, don’t stress on it too hard. If the people you end up RPing with have come up with a specific timeline for their characters, use that, but otherwise stick with vague.
Another good thing to remember is that with medieval times and high fantasy stories, (and especially on our war-torn always-doomsday world), people get thrown into war and are forced to learn the way of the survivor REALLY fast. It’s quite possible to have someone who’s only ICly 13-16 who’s good with a bow (there’s 10 year olds IRL that shoot better than some soldiers). So yeah… she can be pretty much whatever age you want her to be as long as it’s within a good ballpark. I don’t know too many characters that actually ever ask how old someone else is >_>. It especially gets really fuzzy with elves and draenei when you can have 4,000 to 20,000 year gaps.
I think you’ll find most people are very friendly and helpful. Keep your character simple to begin with and just let her evolve organically in game might be easiest. As one writer said, he can’t see the whole journey, but it’s like car lights at night–he can see far enough down the road to keep going.