Hello! New Blue Here!

All sorts of cool stuff! Look :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing this with me! Question: can people see the hidden text or is it nothing?


Nope, they cannot see it. To them it looks like nothing - which makes you wonder - how’d they get away with typing only 2 characters? Hehehhe


That is an awesome feature!!!

Very sneaky!


Human (not fatboi) Druids or riot!

Vulpera are actually fuzzy elves; that’s why they’re so popular. I mean, seriously, look at those ears!

Linxy, piece of advice. Don’t drink the cool aid. Do become part of the hive mind.

Welcome to the community!!!

Been trying to imagine what this would look like.

…it’s hilarious. :rofl:


Not quite my answer to any of them, but I think I like you.

Welcome to the forums, don’t let 'em get to you too much. :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to the forums Linxy. I hope you are prepared for the toxicity and ignorance.

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Linxy what is your favorite tv show

Hi Linxy, Nice to see a new CM. Wanto take a look at Monk forum? Maybe you can help us address the issue of monk healing now in end game raid? There is a few thread regarding of it in monk forum. I am pretty sure something needs to be done!

Sings softly

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Grats on joining the blizz team and welcome to the forums. Could ya let the higher ups know there was no problem to dix with Torghast and that they need to throw the soft timer mess in the bin and let the players enjoy the game the way we want not how they belive we should? I’m worried they may waste time on a problem that dosent exist and may neglect other parts of shadowlands x3


first, your Think about doing the tinkers and not only in gnomes, goblins and Vulperas, and a neutral race more focused on a JRPG much better than what it does in FF before giving elf druids as if we love sludge.

And welcome… I wish you luck and success. :grinning:


Welcome fellow feline lover!!

Yes to Blood Elf Druids. But no Blood elf would be caught dead in the big, fluffy Moonkin form. I’m sure the art team could come up with something suitably elegant.

Imagine the Void Elf kitty form…Yes!!

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Welcome Linxy, hope the negatives here dont spoil yer stay :slight_smile:

Will you be looking at the pvp section at all?

We get about 1 response per-year from blues.