Hello, looking to transfer here?

Hello, I wonder how friendly community is there, I am more pve player but also do some RP… I was wondering if Horde community is nice there, I had some very terrible experiences on my server and I would love to leave it. So how is ED! If any guilds are recruiting I am willing to join, all I ask is just to be nice to each other and keep real world away.

Don’t know about the pve but Redwood Tribe are a friendly group of Tauren RPrs. GL!

Hey there Jahabar! I don’t know about other people but I haven’t noticed toxicity in the RP community on ED in a while. It seems that most of the bad apples went to Classic or other realms.

If you are still looking for a home, my guild, Shadowborne Company, is recruiting anyone who just wants to hang out and be social with some relaxed people. We do have active mythic+ people and we are building up a heroic raid team if you’re interested in that. We also have started to dip our toes into organized RP with the Raven’s War storyline hosted by Lluagor. There’s something for everyone here in Shadowborne.

Message me at Baldngwookie#1117 (btag) or Wookiee#9104 (Discord) if we sound like a good fit for you. I hope to hear from you soon!

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