Hello I am disabled and looking for a guild that is friendly to Disabled people and won’t remove them or kick them out if they are not on par with there dps or screwing up tanking in raids and in mythic dungeons.
My experience in wow with guilds been awful because of people calling me retard just because I talk funny on vent teamspeak etc just because I am Hard of Hearing. So been playing the game solo but really like to find a guild that will accept me and not kick me out just because my dps is low because not able to gear up because guilds won’t allow me to run with them because they pick favorites and etc.
No I don’t have friends that play the game sadly.
I am looking for a Guild that does Raiding on Monday and Wednesday and Friday Nights and Saturdays all day and I am on the EAST COAST and willing to jump server and also have a Horde Char and Alliance Char.
I am also looking for a mature guild like people like professionals or people in there upper 20s and up.
I would like to do Normal Raids and Heroics to I get the gear for Mythic but Heroic be fine as not looking for mythic raiding but also willing to do mythic dungeons .
Please Respond here and just because I said my dps is low or not on par doesn’t mean I don’t know how to play my class it just mostly because I am not able to run the higher difficultly and get the gear because I don’t know people plus guilds won’t allow me to run as majority of the game are elitism and they do not like to have disabled people on there raids and in there guilds which is sadly why majority of wow community is toxic as it very elitism and not friendly to disabled and etc other groups.