Hello, I am Belo!
I am a bit lost, I am looking for a friend. I don’t know where he went. He is super tall with large horns. He shakes his head a lot and makes snorty noise.
The last time I saw him I climbed up him and sat in his horns that is how big his horns are. I don’t understand what he says but he saved me one day when a big bear tried to eat me. I need to find the mooseman to thank him. He wears a funny hat and white shirt, and he spins on hooves. When he was spinning around the bear all this parchment and feathers came flying out of his vest. How does a mooseman spin on hooves and why would a moose have parchment and feathers?
Slowly approached Belo and nods his head.
“Aye lassy I think I know whur yer friend went, ‘e went that way-ovar beyond the riverside, passed the mountain tops ‘n jus’ round the corner. I hope ye find em. I don’ have too much information ta give ta ye otherwise, but I hope ye do find him, aye?”
Slowly walks away as he patrols the streets of Stormwind, as he was walking he quickly stumbled over a misaligned bump in the road. “Blasted!” he commented violently as he almost tripped and hurled over."
Belo looks up at the very tall human and nods at him as if she understood.
Belo walks away trying to remember what he said as she heads towards the big river with the boats sitting next to the wooden bridges. Belo wonders if she is supposed to ride on the boats and if so, which boat would she take. There was a mention of mountains so is that boat 1, or boat 2?
A rather kindly Pandaren in purple and orange spots the loquacious gnome and his face brightens immediately with a large grin. He calls out to her by name and rushes to catch up to her. “I thought I had lost you, Belo. We were at that wonderful Hallows End faire and then you were gone. I dont know how I could have misplaced you!” And with that he attempts to lead her away from the docks and to distract her with strawberry ice cream.