Hello Fall!

Lol might as well saves a trip :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree. We have 2 Holidays on deck before that one!

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Christmas doesnā€™t start until Iā€™m at Walgreens Christmas Eve morning standing in front of the gift card rack trying to figure out the best ones for the family this year.


hm, well I could be wrong but the areas I checked, I found it wasnā€™t but Iā€™m not at NOAA.

I was wondering if the hotspots could be from underground volcanic/magma activity though. There have been a lot of fires on 5 continents this year, at same time.
I find that odd but again, I donā€™t keep track of this usually and donā€™t have enough info myself to go into it.

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Heard a Christmas song while I was shopping yesterday. Three of us wandering the isles just stopped and looked at each other. One of the guys said, ā€œThatā€™s just wrong.ā€ I had some other choice words about the situation, but refrained from such language in front of strangers. lol

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Looks like sea surface temps could be a main player:




These days I tend to take everything with a grain of salt. I used to trust certain institutions, experts, etcā€¦ but no longer do.

Thereā€™s been just too much fear p*rn for too long, it all seems to have a political and monetary bent to it and it becomes tiresome.

Iā€™ve been hearing that the world is ending, weā€™re coming into an ice age again and it was all my fault, personally, since I was about 8 years old, back in the 1960ā€™s so itā€™s been awhile.
It changes over time, from ice age to acid rain to global warming but itā€™s all the same blather from many of the same institutions and even some of the same ā€œexpertsā€ so now I look at everything I see and hear sideways.

I do think there is something going on. What that is, I have no idea but if itā€™s major, cataclysmic, earth shattering, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll find out along with everyone else and thereā€™s probably not a damn thing I can do about it.


Hello, fall?

Yeah, thanks for the tropical storm.

Can I trade that back for more summer, please?


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A healthy does of skepticism is good. Temperatures have risen, though I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything fear mongering about it. Itā€™s not our individual fault, per se, thereā€™s definitely issues with the way certain facets of our civilization are set up that promote short-term gains over long-term sustainability.

I donā€™t mean to degrade or downplay your own worldview, which has value and merit outside of my own.


Still gonna be over 100Ā° where I live. :hot_face:

bUt cLiMaTe cHanGe iSnā€™T rEaL gAiZ!!



get the pitch forksā€¦

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/steals cool air



No my cool air!

I keep having hot flashes so i need all the cool air i can get.


Fall and Winter suck for me personally.
House barely has any heat so we will be in coats and sleeping in jackets in two months :confused:

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I refuse.

/grabs vacuum



/tosses a frost dk
all the cold air you need.


I went to Costco the last week of August, just about a month ago, and they had two full aisles of Christmas stuff, from trees to wreaths plus indoor and outdoor decorations, not to mention wrapping paper, basically a little bit of everything.

In August!

Remember folks:

/moo :cow:


I meanā€¦ I do play night elves. Deer season for bow hunting opened on the 15th of September. Stores put up Christmas lights as early as August 31st. Thus, the balance needed to be maintained. Blame the stores, not the elves.


I will not be putting up my one Halloween decoration until October 1st.

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