Hello ED!
I’ve heard a lot about this realm (Alliance side) being a good place to be, and I was wondering what everyone thought of it? Some long-time guildies and I are looking to move in the future and this realm is one that comes up quite often.
How’s the raiding scene? Is there an oversaturation of raiding guilds vs. competent raiders on Alliance side? Would my recruitment efforts seemingly be for naught? Thanks everyone!
what’s ‘raiding’?
You mean like raiding Orgrimmar or Zuldazar and killing horde players?
That’s the kind of ‘raiding’ that happens on the world’s best WPVP server!
Haha, you got me there.
I did in fact mean Heroic/Mythic raiding in BoD but who coupled possibly be against killing some horde on the off hours!
What’s your RP backstory?
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I don’t know as much about the alliance (although I have met some great people over there on the wrong side of things), but personally I wouldn’t recommend ever playing on any other server.
ED doesn’t have any CRZ at all right?
I’m leveling a Dark Iron and I’m at 29 or so and I haven’t seen one other person out in the world questing.
On a server that was CRZ’ed I would see people all the time.
We have CrZ in current content