Hello ED! Good to see some Familiar faces

Howdy! I used to play on ED when I started WoW in MoP but left around WoD. I Ran a few RBGs last week when I saw a familiar name but didn’t think anything of it til I ran into them again tonight, didn’t put two and two together until I saw Emerald Dream attached to Heltor’s Name. A quick glance at the forums I see Ravenhul is still around too. Things seemed a bit rough with what feels like the WoW community as a whole thinning out, I was really happy to see some familiar faces and get some memories of a lot of fun times I had on ED. Few probs remember my warlock but ill always remember a lot of good times on here and wanted to wish yall well. and im glad to see some peeps are still around.

I don’t seem to see Zeals, Bebbit, Amrothos, Mort, Roadblock, Aglacia, Urival, Tobi, Wolfsung, Sledgehammer or Donkey. Least from a quick glance at the forums, but I hope yall are doing good too, a lot of other names pop into my head but I don’t want to make more of a wall of text im already putting out.

best regards, Kristiara.
Well its Vis now but yeah

Hi Kristiara, I remember you!

aglaica if you cant tell, I got a forced name change during the great reportings of 2017/2018-though still have the name saved on my undead aglaica that was deleted but I restored her after I changed this one to a backwards spelling.

Sledge is playing ESO I believe, Urival I think is on Wyrmrest Accord, Bebbit I think quit wow. Amrothos, man haven’t heard from him in a long while. Mortiginis I think quit till the game is less dumb.

ED has changed a ton - a lot of the bigger RP guilds migrated to WRA and Moon Guard, so we have had to rebuild, and while it is a smaller community, it is still home.

Hope your doing good!

Plop into the alliance discord sometime - a lot of old faces are in there https://discord.gg/9kjuD6P

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