Any big server changes? RP, PvE, PvP, WPvP, balance, old friends still here? Contemplating RP/PvE activities so checking things out a bit. Saw lots left and went to WRA? Saw WSB went from Horde, to Ally, back to Horde again. So how is the RP and PvE doing here now?
Well hey there fellow Popcorn Club member.
Hello Zenal
I thought your name had a K in it
Haha yeah it did. Could not get the name on server I am on now said was taken
my horde name wasnt flagged yet woohoo yay undeleting!
Aren’t you busy on tich these days?
Last year I had heart surgery after many hospitalizations for a heart issue that started a couple years ago. After the surgery I could no longer run the guild I had been running on KJ, ED, and Tich for the past eight years so started dissolving lead and have just been taking breaks and playing the game with a few friends on various servers. So looking for a more permanent home now and some of my gamer friends are still here on ED so I made this post because one of the few things left I do in game besides play with those friends as my body continues to progressively fail is PvE. I feel to young to have these issues but it is what it is. I see you have not changed a bit and are still one of the very toxic people here. How are you doing?
Hi Kat! Welcome back I hope. There are a couple of rp/pve guilds still left on the Alliance side. Salty Sea Doggos being one of them. Coldsteel Company is also a pretty nice size RP guild but I’m not sure if they pve? The best thing about these two guilds is they keep out of the drama on ED. Of course there are a couple RP guilds left on the Horde side but I know how much you love the Alliance. If you’re coming back to ED I do have my Alliance mage over here the one I had in swbrb on Tich. P.S just ignore Vursula he doesn’t represent our server.
Coldridge (coldsteel was our fail horde guild) we primarily do mythic +, wpvp and battlegrounds. Rp on the side. We are small but love each other
I dont do dungeons but here the gms profile
Toxic as of recently? I havent played in months lol but sure I guess.
Hello old friend and guildmate of many names. Hope your surgery went well. As someone with two stents, I sympathize.
I have nothing to offer as to how the game is going. I checked out in May. The good news is that I took up a couple real life professions that now keep me busy. I clean my pool, after firing my pool guy. Saves $125 a month (Ka-ching). I’m now a native plant gardener, at least in my front yard. Great for drought tolerant water-saving, and all the Hummingbirds hum “ka-ching.” Mrs. Zigra, my two spawns-of-Zigra, and I are all learning the Ukulele via internet lessons. A hopefully melodious “Ka~Ching” in the near future.
You’ve as many years in Azeroth as I did. Is it still treating you well? I hope it is or if not, you’re ready to explore new realms, as I have.
Ermagherd, what’s that big yellow ball of fire in the sky?