After a rather large amount of insistent and ceaseless threads praising FFXIV, I must admit a part of me is rather curious about the whole affair. I am still mulling over whether I should try out FFXIV - would any of the WOW migrants present here be able to recommend any good servers for new players? Preferably, can someone recommend a server that is less likely to have former world of warcraft players? I find that most of the Warcraft players effusing FFXIV on these forums are rather negative, quarrelsome, and quick to hurl insults. These are the sort of players I would like to avoid.
While I am primarily emboldened to try out FFXIV primarily because of their constant advertising, I am interested in playing on a server that is less likely to have and attract former wow players and forumites. Is this possible?
At the present time, most of the servers are locked down and no new characters can be created. This is a temporary thing. It’s due to the huge exodus of players going to FFXIV. Their servers weren’t prepared for this influx. Hang in there, they should have this rectified soon.
Sir, as I am not in possession of a fishing rod, I do not have any use for bait at this time.
That is rather unfortunate, so am I to believe that all of the servers are inundated with scores of undocumented wow migrants? Can we petition square enix to create servers specifically for those who wish to avoid former wow players and play with more mature, polite folk?
Don’t worry about toxic players. FFXIV has very strict rules about how players talk to and treat one another. They enforce those rules too! If WoW refugees take their attitudes there with them they won’t be there long. lol
Do they really? That is delightful to hear, I was hoping to convince both my formidable wife and young son to start playing with me and am optimistic that square enix can offer a robust, family-friendly experience.
Here you go. It’s still relevant. Basically anything on Aether or Primal Data Center’s if you’d like to do some endgame. Crystal is kinda a meme server, but some do endgame stuff as well.
You are most welcome, Tombouctou. My server is Zalera in FFXIV though I’m not subscribed at the moment. I found the people very friendly and kind. Good population there too.
Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime? Sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today!
Lotus, I must admit I am feeling rather peevish and abashed after your kind words and helpful assistance. I had taken a rather dim and simplistic view of former wow turned ffxiv players as being nothing more than a band of brutish and violent ruffians, but I see now it is not that simple.
That is encouraging to hear. I am feeling more optimistic after this exchange.
As I informed the previous irate gentleman, I am not going fishing, so I have no need for bait. I admit I am somewhat of an indecisive fellow who has battled procrastination his whole life, but I have been growing more and more disillusioned with wow as this expansion progresses and have been seeking alternatives halfheartedly since then.