Hello a "new player" here who needs some inf!

Why are you worrying about black market items as a recent player.

Don’t buy gear from the AH, especially now as it’s bout to be replaced with quest gear in SL

Just play the game learn your class(s)

You’re not going to sell much of anything because it’s the end of the expansion. Materials used for crafting and raiding are worthless now cause most guilds have either stopped raiding or are just farming and probably aren’t even using consumables.

Best way to make gold is when the next expansion launches get some gathering professions. I personally recommend herbalism, because potions and flasks are in SUPER high demand early in the expansion, and you can sell herbs for ridiculous amounts. Ore from mining and leather from skinning should do ok in the beginning, but after time they will lose their punch.

Thanks! :+1: I didn’t know this existed.

No problemo, there’s lots of stuff out there for WoW. When it comes to matters of the economy two great places to ask are the WoWEconomy subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/woweconomy/ and the TSM/WoWEconomy Discord https://discord.gg/H66XWk and since I’ve brought up discords there’s a lot for other things as well https://www.wowhead.com/discord-servers

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