<Hellgate> [H] Casual PvE Guild

Got ya, your looking to get in too :wink:

when we both get in we can be bff!

Still Looking for More! Need healers!

still looking for DPS iā€™m a Shadow Priest add me of are Edoras#1919

Inv Sent! Still looking for more!

Still Looking for more! In need of some good DPS.

Still looking for dps? Iā€™m a recently returned 465 sin or outlaw rogue. Looking to get back into the frey and smash some content!

Sure am! Add me in game. Cloudslinger#1124

Iā€™d be interested in joining. I pushed 4/8m last raid tier before taking a break. Ultimately Iā€™m looking to push content with cool people when Iā€™m not working. 447 fury warrior. But I can bring the gear up fast to match the content.

Sure thing! Add me in game. Cloudslinger#1124

Still looking for more people!