Hellfire Citadel LFR solo Mannoroth

I’ve given a solid 10 attempts to solo the wing of LFR that has socrethar in it via the guy in the garrison who can queue you. I’m trying for a transmog from Mannoroth, but for some reason when I get to him and kill the 4 guys that are casting on him, he gives his little dialogue and then simply vanishes. He mentions a construct being fully powered, but there is no construct. I am left in an empty room with no further progression every time.

I submitted a ticket and a GM said to try bringing a second person along, that perhaps the game script isn’t working properly because i’m trying to solo it. I tried that, and Socrethar’s shadow still vanished without a trace.

I’ve tried killing the casters in many different sequences, I’ve tried killing all enemies prior to the boss, and I’ve even stood waiting in his room for several minutes to see if a construct will spawn or something will happen, but to no avail.

Area-52 Horde

Anyone else running into this problem looking to do lfr Mannoroth having not played WOD you don’t need to kill the Socrethar the eternal after fel lord zakuun go up the path to the left and kill Xhul’horac and it will spawn a portal to mannoroth