Questing in Stormheim on my DK, doing the storyline and am up to the quest “An Unworthy Task” Upon completing the prior quest and entering Helheim I noticed my pets stayed at the entrance. Everything I targeted/tried to attack/interact with was out of range. The spirit in the cage that your suppose to interact with was also out of range. I left the area and dropped the quest, attempting to see if I could reenter the zone and pick up the quest. I can no longer see the portal to Helheim and all the zones in Haustvald are gone.
Was just having this problem. Looks like a temporary workaround is to disable add-ons and reload.
I also am having this problem. And I disabled all my addons and still nothing is working. I hate this.
I am having the same problem with my hunter as we speak, anything i try to click or attack just sais “out of range”. Disabling addons, reloading, relogging, and all combinations of those have not worked so far.
I kinda figured out the problem but no solution, your character in a sense is stuck wherever you zone in after loading-screen and even tho you can move around and click/try to do stuff on your pc it acts as if you have not moved an inch on the server. Have submitted a ticket about it but i’ll guess we just have to wait.
Me too, i’m having the same problem!
I don’t understand, i’m with the same issue.
It’s so strange to find a bug like these on retail wow.
Has anyone have a solution yet?
I had the same issue. I was able to fix it by abandoning the quest, hearthing, quitting my game, then coming back to the zone and re-accepting the quest.
i had the same issue fortunately just disabling addons fixed it. whew.
I’m also having this issue, everything is out of range, i don’t want to risk hearthing out and having the quests bug out too
I’m chonkythicc btw, im not used to using this website
I was able to hearth out of the area to Zandalari empire, shortly I walked a short distance to the portals and logged out. This fixed my issue but also teleported me back to the top of the empire as if I wasn’t moving server side. Note: when you hearth out you cannot mount idk why.
I have the same issue and I try all of that and nothing work, I hate this problem one day lost
had the same problem. logged out and logged back in and now it works
No blue post on this one? I was having this issue too.
I hearthed to Legion Dalaran, relogged, and then went back and it fixed.
Same problem here. Super disappointing. For me, it had nothing to do with add-ons, as I was able to hearth out, abandon quest, and return for the reset… even though disabling add-ons should probably be step 1!
…on this toon
Same problem here, reloading and disabling addons did not work. After hearthing to Dalaran the condition persisted until a relog. Dropping the quest, entering Helheim, and picking it back up seems not to have repeated the problem. My guess is something is wrong with the initial sequence when you’re forced into Helheim.
had the out of range as well, running Elvui. logged out to the character screen, disabled all addons , logged back in and ran up to the cage. worked! enabled my addons and good to go.