Heirlooms ruined the game

Heirlooms ruined pvp, ruined the economy ( selling alt gear ) and ruined the rpg experience of getting your first green/blue. I rather have the dungeon finder all day before heirloom gear which completely ruined the World of Warcraft. Keep heirlooms out to save the direction of the game!!!


Well, you can’t have a full set of heirlooms.

You can’t buy them if you’re a new player, you actually have to do content in order to get it. I see no reason how heirlooms are bad.

“It ruins getting your first green/blue.”
Personally I don’t care about this point, it doesn’t really matter to be honest. Your first green are going to be from quests and your first blue isn’t always what you’d want in the first place.

“Ruined the economy”
You can still sell alt gear, like I said current heirlooms don’t go into every slot at most they go into 3/4 if I recall correctly, 5 if you have the heirloom from the fishing durby.

Selling BoE’s will still have its place even in Cataclysm (if we go that far). With transmog being a thing in Cata BoE’s will skyrocket in price for completionism content.

I don’t play retail but I can’t see how an easier way to level your alts is a bad thing for the game. If a Blizzard dev were here right now they’d say the same reasoning they have for the boost, “It’s so that players can play with their friends sooner.”

Can’t deny this.

Can’t tell, because nowadays a lot of players don’t need to buy gear for theirs alts.

True. But WOTLK’s heirlooms are “only” about shoulders/chest/weapon/trinket.

Anyway, most of the new players are gonna use the 68 boost. And every low level characters will probably be alts with heirlooms.

There’s also the ring from the Kaulak fishing durby, the Pirate Ring.

Also it’s a 70 boost.

Heirlooms as a concept aren’t a terrible idea, but they should have been restricted to non-visible accessory slots only, i.e., neck and rings.

Seeing a level 10 run around in what looks like level 60 gear, with Dal’Rend and Thrash Blade, looks ridiculous and breaks and RPG element of the game.

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