I have noticed since the pre patch that my heirlooms haven’t been keeping pace with the items you get by doing the optional upgraded gear and/or drops and quest item rewards. While I don’t see this as a negative, I’m wondering if they are going to be worth the effort to buy the next tier of 70 to 80. I can’t find anything from blizzard on this.
Looms are only useful if you dont want to look like a clown. I havent even bothered to upgrade most of mine to max cuz whats the point. As you noted, the power just does not keep up.
Hierlooms need a revamp, and quite frankly they could use Remix as inspiration. Allow us to put special Gems in them that alter how the class plays.
I spent about 3.1 million gold during Dragon Flight to upgrade my 102 /105 heirlooms to max level even though I only use the same cloth, leather, mail and plate on each character (OCD you suck). That said one of my most useful heirlooms was from the pre-patch with Dragon Flight.
This pre-patch we will get a ring, and I will likely upgrade it to max, but wither it is useful compared to the other two rings I tend to use is up for debate atm. I like using heirlooms because it’s 1 piece of gear I don’t have to change out every time I level, and dungeons and questing is just too fast and doesn’t drop upgrade to cover ever slot.
Once max level, that’s when I start swapping out heirloom pieces, and now that we are gaining more levels, I expect the cost to upgrade to level 79 to be 5k armor and 7500 weapons again.
Heirlooms are essentially level-appropriate greens these days (sans the set bonus stuff).
You buy/use heirlooms if you don’t want to have to worry about keeping your gear up to date (especially if you’re dungeon spamming, you may not get much loot, but you’re leveling very quickly, even more so now that they nerfed exp again).
Normally while leveling you end up with a combination of gear with most of it being several levels below where you actually are. That’s the benefit of heirlooms. Blues and such that you get in the moment will generally be better for a couple levels before the heirloom catches back up since the blue isn’t scaling.
So no, Heirlooms aren’t going to always be the best gear available to you. Most of the time it won’t be. But it’s consistently level appropriate and that’s the convenience.
heirlooms are a shadow of what they once were- when getting close to current cap I tend to unequip altogether unless they have a blowout enchant.
Typically not worth upgrading past what they would need to be viable in Mage Tower-- Maybe just hellscreams, cloaks.
What does this mean lol
I know it’s not true, but Looking cool makes leveling feel faster. I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on some of the rings. Maybe this go I’ll take a stab at the one you can get from the Garrison.
I can imagine they get an ilvl bump since theyre giving us a new one in pre patch but idk for sure. Hopefully. They used to be a fair bit more powerful than quest and even dungeon gear before pre patch.
They could properly retire heirlooms and I would be fine with it. I almost never use them, and I never take the time to even figure out how to boost them for continued use. The leveling is so easy with or without them, I never think twice to use them past the first couple hours.
Heirloom ranks should be dumpstered
You can buy em with timewalking badges so its not any real investment
Leveling isnt the point if you have heirlooms. Youre doing it to blast so just make them the equivalent of rares at that level
Currently (as of prepatch), the ilevel on them is something like 40+ ilevels behind random green rewards of the same level when in the last 20 or so leveling levels.
Maybe this is a bug as previously they were on par or close to random / quest reward green of the same level, or maybe it’s another nerf.
Either way, the removal of XP bonus and the nerfing of power over the last few expansions coupled with the ridiculous costs and clunky system to upgrade leave me wondering why they even exist other than as traps for new players.
Heirlooms cost 1g to transmog.
I was happy when I snagged my pirate ring.
I bet! I started trying to hunt them down before my last break, I will prolly pick it up again after I level a few toons. I’ve got to get my “farm team” up to snuff first.
Nah, they had blue stats at first. Ideal in battlegrounds.
I stopped using heirlooms after they nerfed the stats and took away the +EXP bonus. I’ll still buy the upgrades using my Timewalking badges, but that’s only because I’ve nothing else to spend those badges on. So, I figure, might as well spend the badges instead of stockpiling them, even though I don’t use heirlooms anymore.
And more importantly, you aren’t replacing them often and then having to re-transmog again.
This is really the only purpose that heirlooms serve now. There is a convenience in using them and not having to worry about putting on new gear. But leveling is so fast and easy that gear basically doesn’t matter.
I leveled a character from 10-60 maybe a month ago, and I did use my heirlooms for the purpose of tmog but most of mine are capped at 39 and I just left them on until 60 and it never mattered. I’m pretty sure a couple of pieces like bracers and belt were still the ones I started with at level 10. It just doesn’t matter.
Boots, Bracers, Gloves and Waist are the 4 that you can’t heirloom. So, providing you can get a drop from a dungeon or quest, those 4 slots tend to fall way behind on the item level.
The few times I used dungeons to level and the dungeons you get are limited to certain Battle for Azeroth, it was common to get say a chest, then next run get the same chest but a higher item level but not that much of a difference over the heirloom. Having the heirloom for me just meant I didn’t have to worry about 16 slots, but only 4 that rarely dropped. Plus, I could trans mog it once and have the desired cosmetic then a mis-matched collage of armor.
They were nerfed an expansion or two ago to be on par with random trash greens of the same level instead of dungeon blues of the same level.
After the prepatch, they are now dozens of ilevels behind trash greens of the same level.
Is this a bug or another intentional nerf?
I have no idea, though I’m willing to go with ‘possible bug’ considering how much other content is still not scaled correctly gear rewards-wise, but I also won’t be surprised if it is intentional or at least ignored for months.
I thought about upgrading all of them at one point and then realized it was a stupid waste of money. The benefit that was previously granted by wearing them was certainly very nice, but at this point it isn’t much worth it.
If you have a character with NO gear, it can be nice…or if you are just starting out, it can be beneficial, but by and large they are for the most part weaker than what you will pick up while questing.
I’m currently leveling using Chromietime on a character I started after pre-patch. With the recent changes to XP there’s a worry some trend where it’s extremely difficult to keep yourself in gear appropriate to your level even with a full set of heirlooms.
I don’t have heirloom rings. As far as I know that is the only slot I am lacking an heirloom for that one is possible.
I’ve done nothing but quested through Shadowlands from 10-50 so far.
The item level of my heirlooms at 50 is 232. My other gear is so far behind that my average item level is only 222.
Blizzard continually reduces XP requirements to level but doesn’t seem to rebalance the rewards from quests while your leveling. I would really like to see them introduce a different reward structure within chromietime, something like what they introduced with Remix whereby the items we do get up to level 69 can all be upgraded to level 70 via an upgrade NPC.

If you have a character with NO gear, it can be nice…or if you are just starting out, it can be beneficial, but by and large they are for the most part weaker than what you will pick up while questing.
This is certainley true however, you dont generally get quest rewards frequent enough within the chromietime leveling experience which people typically use these days to keep your non heirloom slots filled. I’d imagine not using any heirlooms would be even worse. In my experience I do get quest rewards for heirloom slots that would be better but I am leveling quickly enough because of the changes that within 10-15m of gametime I’ve leveled again and now my heirlooms are back to being superior to the quest drop. Unfortunatley, you don’t get the 15 different items you can equip from the 6 to 10 quests it takes to progress a character level. The expansion zones are designed such that they expected you to progress just ten levels through the entire expansion. So you roughly get 3-4 full sets of gear doing the full storyline over 60 levels. That just isn’t a viable system right now.