Heirlooms in Classic?

The much anticipated Revered reputation rewards from the supply faction is a new bag and heirloom jewelry.

It is feeling more and more like experimentation in SoD is actually just a means of seeing how many modern MMO features you can stuff into the Classic framework before you have people quit entirely, and use that to inform Classic+.

I was drawn into SoD by how well it introduced new things without making the game feel less like Vanilla, but this phase (the SECOND one, smh) is full of retail-lite changes that are antithetical to Classic at its core.
These XP boosting “catch up” things (unremovable discoverer’s delight, sleeping bags, heirlooms, etc.) you keep pushing have no place in Classic. The game starts at level 1, and is fantastic in its own right. You don’t need to rush players along to the end of phase content for them to enjoy their time spent playing.

Large swaths of this community will place speed and convenience over all else, and we’ve seen the kind of game that creates. Please stop pushing the overton window further into modern MMO territory, and focus on the things that make your MMORPG successful.


That’s the discovery part. Surprise


Where can i find info on this jewelery and bag?

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Classic+ is not a hard concept. We’ve seen each expansion after 2019 Classic fall off (WOTLK best expac my :horse:).

We need new content and no changes.

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Of the new rewards only the bag is worthwhile. These “heirlooms” are trash.

The new items don’t have an XP Buff. Don’t get your panties twisted.

This is a Seasonal game where players who should be encouraged to try all the new stuff. Once you have one toon at the Phase cap why make them do the slog again at the same slow grind to level Alts.

Bad take is bad.

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They give a leveling advantage that carries between accounts. That’s an xp buff.

LMAO that +2 Stam +2 SP Ring I sent to my Priest is going to really put my leveling into overdrive.


These aren’t heirlooms, there is no explicit exp buff from them and from the looks of the article they seem to not scale.

They’re BoA rep rewards, likely BoA so you don’t feel required to grind it out on each alt.

The article:https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/new-rewards-for-waylaid-supply-factions-and-quest-changes-season-of-discovery-337842#comments


Ya, that has compounding effects on your entire leveling experience. You may not realize it takes a hefty amount of time in this version of the game.

Also, you think this stops here? More crap like this is inbound. Soon we may have to deal with Kul Tiran Druids or something awful like that.



Lol, I want to see classic Andy claim it’s classic! Live with it

Sorry, if you can clear quests faster is that not an xp buff?

TIL cruel barb, trip runners dungies, and silvered broze boots are all EXP gain increase items.

These rep items don’t even strike me as being that good either. My ring from SFK has essentially similar stat weights on it.

there’s an xp buff already active between 1-25, these items are likely designed to fill gaps in the low levels (as you can’t get a neck/ring for awhile, neck especially), semantically, all items are exp buffs

a level 1 neck with 4 stam and 4 sp on it, is a very good neck

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Holy crap semantic police out in force.

It helps you level (gain xp) faster. Happy?

No, it just allows you to level faster. An xp buff, by defintion, increases your base xp earned. Just like getting X weapon is not an xp buff.

All and all though I do agree with the sentiment, but words have meaning and I think that’s important. Cheers!


I wouldn’t mind some boa stuff but not heirlooms

I mean, I’m replying to your amazingly reductive argument with semantics so it balances out.

And it’s not semantics at all, its based on your presented premise.
If items increase the rate at which you level then ALL items increase the rate you level, per your argument. Which honestly makes your worries/complaints void as there is a better option available anyway at some point.


If you want to play Classic+ you’ll be raiding Grim Batol with me this fall.
If you want to play SoD you will be raiding BWL with me this fall.