Heirlooms gonna look funny

Heirlooms go up to 110, but that’s it. End of the line. There’s been nothing about upgrading them up to now. And at this point I have my reasons to be a bit cynical about it. Show me, don’t tell me.

You said they were replaced, which is not what happened :slight_smile:

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Best not to bother. Trust me here.


Yes. Instead of giving us heirloom upgrades from 110 to 120, they put in War Mode instead for your 10% leveling buff. But you also have to be subject to WPVP whether you want to or not, in order to have that 10% buff.

Nobody said a thing about M.O.T.H.E.R.

Can you please just accept that there will be heirloom upgrades for a lot of gold and be happy?


Nah it’s cooler to victim troll instead, like it’s 2002 again.

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Reading this topic has been hilarious. Thank you!


War mode can be used at any level starting at 20. It just happens to be usable from 20-120 and heirlooms from the 110-120 range are not out yet.

But originally you said they replaced heirlooms without a specific range, so now you are moving the goalposts.

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For anyone that actually is curious though I did go on the PTR and snag these screenshots. I’m sure that the next argument will be that I photoshopped them or something but hopefully if anyone reading has any doubts they are at least on the PTR for 8.1.5.

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He’ll say something like, that’s ptr it’ll never go live.


That or “they must be removing the war mode bonus then”



Wow, all I did was make a post about how a certain armor looks funny on a race, wasn’t expecting a verbal fist-fight…

Calm down people >_<