Heirlooms ....completely useless

Way to screw over leveling gear


Eh? Might want to expand on what you are trying to express, here

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There’s reports of heirlooms getting messed up over on Beta, but I wasn’t able to replicate any of those concerns. All my heirlooms are available, buffed to the same level as retail, and nothing bad happens when I equip them. Set bonuses look the same from Retail too.

Play with them they are worse itemization then quest greens…look at the actual stats


OK, I just ran through WoD starting zone with heirlooms and it appears that they’re about two levels behind what’s getting offered from the quests. That, I assume, is your bug report.

Heirlooms aren’t “worthless” because if I equip at 16 the gear I got from the test I’m ilvl 28, but with my heirlooms are ilvl 34. Even with the level lag the heirlooms are worth re-eqipping as the drops fall behind the nascent benefit that heirlooms level while you level.

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They become even further behind at higher levels. When you get green quest rewards 20 levels up on them they feel like a complete waste of the gold spent buying them.

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It would seem you have some reliable information to provide about how they scale vs. quest drops. You could post that so that Blizzard is more aware of the scaling issue.

Yep already reported from beta but want more players to see this and complain about this complete unnecessary change

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Bump, noticed the same.

The bonus xp buff is kind of intangible and doesn’t seem worth the effort ;/