Heirloom upgrades and there Cost

the current heirloom upgrade system if i recall was released during WOD back then wasnt to bad for upgrades had something like maybe 2-3 upgrades needed. now its like 6-7 and there are people with over 100 heirlooms. Granted just because you own all the heirlooms doesnt mean you need to upgrade them all but the need to upgrade them is getting a bit high. there are several ways i feel can help keep it down.

  1. Instead of heirlooms being Mail, PLate, Leather or Cloth, just have heirlooms be the clasification as in so this way a person would only need to upgrade 1 piece for each gear slot instead of 4 with the exception of Rings and trinkets maybe neck.
  2. reduce the amount of upgrades needed to where its not needed as much

thats just 2 there i feel tehre could be a few more


Yeah the investment:reward ratio is all out-of-whack. Even back in Wrath it was of questionable value to grind out a set from scratch for a particular character instead of putting that time into just leveling the character. More something that was a very nice bonus to get with excess currency.

Now it’s not even a question, given the time it takes to level vs. raise the cap on heirlooms, in addition to the bonus that heirlooms now give. I primarily want them because constantly swapping gear in and out and renewing your mog is a tedious hassle.

I feel like they should raise the floor on heirloom scaling with each expansion, meaning you only have one upgrade to add at any given point, being the upgrade from the newest expansion. Keeps it in as a collectable thing without the baseline being something you wear for literally like an hour or so.


Given they nuked the usefulness of Heirlooms I wouldn’t be surprised if they left them to rot. They went out of their way to make them worse. I don’t see blizzard putting any effort into supporting them.


I’m still sad what they did to 'looms. I had collected so many of them.

The weapon is still worth it and so are the jewelry and trinkets, since those are hard to keep up to date while leveling.

The real benefit is that a whole transmog only costs 5g and you don’t have to change it every time you get a new piece of gear.

Not worth collecting/using anymore.

i would be ok if they used the argent tournament currency as a way to update heirlooms if they made Heirlooms its own gear type instead of the whoe Mail, Plate Leather or cloth

To you… I still keep all 100+ of mine fully upgraded and use them.

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Heirlooms aren’t worth the bother. Leveling is ridiculously fast even without them.

blizzard clearly hates the idea of heirlooms & had a change of heart, against most players opinions. they haven’t introduced a new heirloom slot in like 10+ years, rings I think are the newest. no belts, bracers, boots. they no longer want premium leveling pajamas & have introduced price gouges & nurfs for people who had invested. Things like this should be investigated on why and who killed heirlooms at blizzard. Having the game change directions over the years sucks & honestly we should have a players union to have influence over the general direction of the game. heirlooms at one time give exp bonuses and were equal to an epic of the same level now they are the same or oddly worse than blues & costs like 100-130k for a set/upgrades.

You level so fast i dont think you need any maybe 70-80 looms

Constantly been asking if there was a global 1 cost to upgrade all the BoA gear instead of every single piece needed

I like how SWTOR did theirs. They are Legendary Items in the Cartel Market that change to match the class using them. Then you stat them yourself with crafted items.

what about modern wow makes you think blizz would even care to read this in full?

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Theres no single upgrade item.

the 1 thing heirlooms are good for is not needing to change your gear every couple LVLs

make a big enough ruckous and someone has to see the commotion

1 thing that could be done for Heirloom upgrades is allow Engineers be able to craft them and do it in a way that would work with the whole goblin and gnome aspect of engineering where the one from Goblins upgrade All the weapons main and offhand and have gnomes upgrade everything else

No chance I’ll be shelling out gold for the next level of inevitable upgrades, it’s not worth it anymore for me.

yea as the expansions keep coming and heirlooms needing upgrades, the gold needing to upgrade them is becoming rediculous. Some other things Blizz could do when it comes to Heirlooms and the upgrade system becoming an ever green feature is ever since when it comes to questing it no longer matters what expansion we LVL in is maybe have a couple end game content Like Timeless Isle and its currency as the place to get the upgrades for the Heirlooms. The upgrades wouldnt need to cost an extreme amount of the timeless coins plus its an area in which I feel people dont mind farming since its super easy and i feel very little of the NPCs on timeless isle dont give the coins.