Heirloom tier vendor doesn't exist

heirloom tier vendor the should be on top of orgimmar’s gate doesn’t exist for me, and if i understand wowhead correctly there was a quest in bfa one needed to do to fix that, but also that quest isn’t available ingame anymore.

That heirloom vendor is back in her old place in Undercity, specifically the Rogue’s Quarter.

how do i get back into undercity?

There’s a portal on the zeppelin tower where the zep used to take off to go to Brill. It’s the same tower as the Stranglethorn Vale zeppelin, just the other side of the tower.

?? does that get me INTO undercity??

or just tirisfal glades, because my undercity is sealed.

You may need to speak to the bronze dragon Zidormi (look for the speech bubble Icon on your map) to get back to the past version of Tirisfal to access Undercity.

The portal just gets you to the zone, not inside the city. If I remember, Zidormi should be nearby to that location.

that ok that at least works, but still seems like a hell of a lot of faff to access an npc that everyone else tells me is available for them in orgrimmar

It probably is available to them in Orgrimmar because they’ve done the content.

Estelle’s location seems to depend on whether or not your character went experienced the Battle for Lordaeron.

If you didn’t do this BfA quest chain, Estelle Gendry won’t be a refugee from Undercity living in Orgrimmar. She’ll still be in Undercity, once you get the phasing straight.

sorry a million years late to the party, it’s moot now as i lost interest in retail and only came back to the forums to check if there was a rough idea when dire maul and pvp would be available on the 20th anniversary realms…

but again i need to reiterate undercity was dead to my high level characters if the vendor was in there there was no way to access it.

in the end i rolled a new level one character and mailed gold to buy what i wanted, not this day my old characters have no access to said vendor

Undercity phasing can be quite bad for high-level characters that didn’t play out every lore sidequest for BfA and Shadowlands.

The devs never addressed that, probably on the assumption that if players want a functional Undercity, well, they can do the quests, whether they want to or not.

Actually you have to hit the orb of translocation in the ruins above undercity and it sends you to silvermoon run up the spiral stairs you arrive at and hit that orb of translocation and it sends you to a ruins where you can actually go inside and access a functioning under city. How is this not posted somewhere??? Even the big sites mention nothing about it. I just came back after being away 10 - 15 years and damn things are different.