Heirloom set bonuses

What is garbage I’m seeing??? Get rid of the stupid rested xp and give us a flat out bonus to xp gains. Am I meant to just leave my character sitting in an Inn for days for heirlooms to be worth more than being a piece of gear you don’t need to replace? That’s stupid


Leveling is so quick and easy right now, all you have to do is actually just go through the game. It’s really not that bad.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Yeah, they trashed them.


While this is true, it kinda negates the whole reason we bought heirloom equipment in the first place. It’s never been about the stats because they scale up poorly.


Except leveling now is a lot faster without the XP buff. They removed the at most 50% you could have from the gear, but made leveling itself 200% faster.

Again though, it is not about the process but rather the fact that many have invested a lot of resources into heirlooms that are fairly useless now.

People brought this up when Blizz announced they were making the heirloom change with the squish. You can see the outcome of that feedback - nothing. Personally, if I want to level at supersonic speed, I should be allowed to with heirlooms with the old xp buff.

Return XP bonus to looms #2022!

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used to be 55% at one point then was nerfeed to 50%

Necro aside, let’s make heirlooms relevant again.