Heirloom Ring Help

Hiya, I’m a little confused about how to get Captain Sanders Returned Band. I wasn’t able to find any guides that took into account the people who never played in wod. Anyone know how to get this?

First, you’ll need to level your garrison up to level 3, so that you can unlock Tanaan Jungle and the Shipyard. This is pretty straitforward, and just requires gold and resources. You’ll have quests directing you to upgrade it, so it’s hard to miss. Once your garrison is level 3, the quest that starts the Tanaan/Shipyard chain should pop up automatically. (If it doesn’t, you can get it from Varian/Vol’jin near your mission table.)

Once you have the shipyard build, you’ll need to upgrade it to level 3. There’s a series of quests you need to do for this that will require you to run a bunch of shipyard missions (as well as some gold and garrison resources.)

Then you need to kill the rare spawn Captain Ironbeard in Tanaan to get the quest for the blueprints for the Ghostly Spyglass. (It may not be a 100% drop rate, so it may take more than one kill.) Then buy a spyglass equipment piece and put in on one of your ships. (The quests for the shipyard will walk you through equipment and stuff, so if this doesn’t make sense now, it should by the time you get here.) Try and keep clearing out missions in the top right quadrant of the map to keep new missions spawning and just wait for that sweet sweet RNG to finally give you the various ring missions.

If your main goal is the ring, there are some garrison buildings that can be helpful:

The Lumber Mill and Trading post both offer ways to get extra resources, which can help move things along faster. (The Lumber Mill takes some effort to get upgraded and going, but will get you more resources when maxed out. The Trading post’s work orders for resources are fully maxed out with a level 1 building, but you will need various WoD mats for the work orders.)

The Mage Tower (A)/Spirit Lodge (H) lets you do some work orders that have a chance to give you an item that lets you auto-complete missions. These work on Shipyard missions, which can really speed up the Shipyard progress.

And while unrelated to the ring mission, a level 2 storehouse gets you bank and guild bank access, and lets you place more work orders at a time. It’s generally a good overall building to have.

You don’t need to do any regular garrison missions in order to unlock the shipyard or rings, so you don’t have to worry about leveling your followers. The shipyard system is separate, so all you have to worry about is your ships.

You may want to do the daily quests in Tanaan once you’ve opened it up. They are a pretty good source of oil (needed for shipyard missions).


Thanks Udiza this is awesome! I was trying to figure this out on my own to no avail!