I have some purchased for my rogue, but can’t remember where and how I bought them. I checked the guild vendor and nothing there, also checked the regular heirloom vendor and no pants (for my mage) are there either.
Tried looking up some info on it but so much information is dated and hard to find a concrete answer. Only thing that I could find is that you need a high enough reputation with the guild (exalted with the guild) and have the achievement “Working as a Team” completed (which we dont). That achievement lists a “Banner of Cooperation” as a reward.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Your guild needs to have the achievement to unlock the pants IIRC. You need to be honored with the guild.
You can also buy the pants on whatever character bought them for your rogue, assuming it is still in the same guild, and Mail them to any character on any realm.
You would have to toggle the filters on the vendor purchase window to “Show All”
I must have bought them before the change then on my rogue. Since he is in the same guild and exalted but cannot buy the heirloom pants. Such a horrible change.
That seems weird as the achievement to obtaining the any of the heirloom from the guild vendor has never been changed. As long as the guild have unlocked them at one point, then it should already be available to be purchased.
Did you try playing with the drop down filter on the purchase window?
Your guild will need the achievement unlocked to get the pants. Seeing as you said that you were once able to purchase them from the guild, the only thing I can conclude is that certain individuals that contributed to the achievement left the guild or deleted their character which would take away the guild achievement to get the pants.
Once a guild has the achievement, even if the players who contributed to the achievement leave. The only way for a guild to lose achievements is if you transfer the guild to a new server or faction change. In that case, the moved guild keeps the achievements and the “shadow” guild left on the old server loses all achievements/bank tabs. So, basically, unless at one point the GM transferred the guild and you stayed behind in the old guild, the achievements will still be there.
Actually after the removal of first aid after patch 8.0.1, the game reset all that specific achievement from the game which needed people to log back on to have it re-credited to the guild.
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