Heirloom Bug

still no fix bump for visibility

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Bumping for visibility

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Heirloom bug is over 2 weeks old, but only because it doesn’t BENEFIT the player.

If heirlooms gave double stats, they’d be fixed already. Just like how Fiery gauntlets are proccing deep wounds, fixed within 12 hours.


so, i saw something on reddit about dungeons actually making heirlooms work and sure enough I enter stockades, and all the secondary stats are immediately active, hit haste crit resil all that jazz, as soon as I exit all gone, I don’t have the time but assuming someone hits mobs that are their level in and out of the dungeon they can compare the two values to see if it is a visual bug or not, but from what I can FEEL it is not a visual bug, and the stats actually become active when you enter the dungeon, more testing must be done.

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Confirmed as well, heirlooms are working in dungeons but not in the world.

Instead of relying on crit or the UI, I’m using a swing timer and watching.

In stocks, 1.7 dagger speed drops to 1.62 with both haste trinkets.
Outside, 1.7 dagger speed does not change at all with trinkets.

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Heirlooms working as of 10 minutes ago.

Standing in stormwind and getting resilience from my shoulders and getting haste from trinket.

On Pagle.

As of right now, standing in duskwood and getting zero bonuses

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Might wanna relog and check again, this is me standing in the Westguard Inn in Howling Fjord on the Pagle server. The album shows the stat changes.

Got them working. Zone into Stocks and then zone back out, all heirlooms are working now

Still not working outside of dungeons for me. If I zone in to the nexus they start working, but stop again after zoning out.

Update on this issue,

Stats are fixed when you level to 60. Stats are still broken outside dungeons and battlegrounds. Stats some how work in dungeons though.

Grand Staff of Jordan still doesn’t work.

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As of today, heirloom gear is not providing stats in open world but does in instanced content.

I appreciate yalls continued attention on this issue.

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For those of you who think you’re becoming schizos or are getting gas lighted by the game and other people, heirlooms sometimes work during certain hours of the day in open world before breaking again.

They seem to work 100% in dungeons at all times of the day though.

https:// imgur. com/a/rO68uKy

Hopefully after maintenance this is fixed but if it isn’t oh well I guess

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Confirming that heirlooms sometimes apply secondary stats, but the majority of the time they don’t.

Also, the 2H mace heirloom doesn’t have any feral attack power when looking at it as a druid. Not sure if this is intended or not… or whether feral attack power doesn’t become visible on weapons until a certain level.

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Staff of Jordan started working today after the maintenance.


Appears to be fixed now.

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Can also confirm, heirlooms work now. Thank you for your feedback blizzard…