Heirloom Bug

Confirmed that this is an issue.

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Can we get an update on this Blizzard? They’ve been bugged for over 2 weeks.

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Additionally I’ll add, i bought the pvp heirloon thrash blade. I’m leveling a DK, and cannot apply runeforging to the weapon. I get a “item level too low” message.

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bump…how is this not resolved

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Only classic vanilla enchants work on heirlooms. Runeforging I assume won’t work since they released with Wrath. Also, bumping post. Please fix Blizzard!

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So we get new hotfixes and still no fix to heirlooms.

We are past 2 weeks now.

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It’s actually insane how massive of a bug this is and how silent they have been. A simple, “Hey, yea we’re aware and looking into it” would be nice.

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Wow how many hot fixes have gone by and no word on this ? I feel like heirlooms as they are literally bought with badges are extremely important why do they not work, the trinket is completely useless with haste not working fix this blizzard jesus

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Stats that work: Strength, Stamina, Agility, Int, Spirit, Attack power
Stats that dont work: Crit, hit, resilience, spell power, haste

Can we get an eta on this being fixed?

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They haven’t worked for a while, this has been reported many times.

But since it isn’t a “buff” to the player, it’s super low on the priority list, similar to how feasts don’t give any bonuses to healers.

You know if they somehow gave double bonuses, it would have been fixed within a day.

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This is a very frustrating issue.

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since this doesnt seem to have been resolved with todays maintenance, I thought I’d keep bumping for visibility


Bump. Please give my poor shaman his secondary stats.

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This needs more visibility…

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this has been on the front page for 2 weeks and still nothing…

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I waited for maintenance today but no fix for the secondary stats on heirlooms.

Would be really nice, Blizz, to get a response addressing this. As more people are getting access to heirlooms and wanting to level alts the call for a fix will only grow louder.

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This is coming from someone who has been posting about the heirlooms bug for days.

Just tested heirlooms after today’s hotfixes.

Secondary stats do indeed work. It just doesn’t display it on the character sheet now.

Tested on a level 13 warrior with Bloodied Arcanite Reaper, crit chance went down when removed. Crit chance went up when equipped. It just doesn’t show the numeric crit value. (ie. at level 13 Bloodied Arcanite Reaper gives a crit value of 4, character sheet does not reflect the 4, but the actual crit chance percentage goes up on the stat sheet)

Feel free to test, but after today’s hotfixes it has been reduced to a visual bug only. So level up those alts.

This isnt accurate. When you remove a weapon you lose the native 5% crit your character has for having a weapon equipped. You can see for yourself by equipping and then unequipping a random vendor white if you like. You’ll gain and lose 5% crit.

Heirlooms still arent providing any secondary stats.


Been waiting for the hotfix and still hasn’t happened, so I guess I’ll bump this. The leather Shadowcraft heirlooms are not providing hit. The exp% does work. The attack power does work. But losing out on 99 hit (at level 78) is pretty huge and partially negates the benefits of bonus xp by slowing down the rate at which xp can be earned…fix it!

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Why make a post riddled with misinformation, why would this be magically a visual bug, it is still not fixed