Heh kyrian sorry

kyrian get a plate, and venthyr get this amazing creature

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Yeah well I get a $%&# fly.


Yeah but I have angelic wings so your argument is irrelevant.

That plate is from the Broker dungeon. Kyrians get the robot chicken.


I don’t care if it’s a bloody teacup I just want to fly



/10 char

That “plate” is very much not what kyrian get. You already linked the kyrian mount just above it.


I get a freaky horrifying abomination of nature oddly enough…

The plate is something everybody can get. It’s a broker themed mount.

Exsqueeze me! Falkor is amazing, I hope we get the white or ivory version…


Well… he was…

…until the third movie…


Like his mount, this shows how ridiculous and stinky his lore and everything that inhabits it is.

I like the second mount the best. :woman_shrugging:

But I’m doing each covenant on a different character anyways.

Is that plate going to be like the Flying Cloud mounts from Pandaria?

Sign me up!

I have 12 charters in shadow lands with zero covnets And 4 in covnets .not big covnet fan

There were only two…

(The world must forget the abomination known as the third one existed)


Hopefully it lasts more than a couple seasons!

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another bloody bat, geez.

Oh, wait, i wanted to change main in 9.1 so i wont be venthyr (probably)

I actually really like the disc mounts. Glad one if finally being made available to all classes.

(I know there’s technically the Red Flying Cloud but it has that cloud under it so it’s not pure.)

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The cloud was made much larger and more obnoxious, as well. Sadly, I can no longer use it for those reasons. I do enjoy the Mage discs, so I am looking forward to this.