Heed the call of Siren Isle—Now Live!


Well let’s see I will keep doing my delves and maybe do some heroic raids and finish my renown tracks…the ring is suppose to be good all the way into season 2…So I may get it…

Goal ilvl 626…will I make it probably…and do the storyline…right now I’m ilvl 610…

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I honestly hate items like the forbidden reach ring/siren isle ring. For classes that prefer secondary stats, what difference does this make when given a current crafted ring is better itemized and has more stats baseline, plus missing out on the 2 prismatic sockets.

This ring needs baseline stats, even if its like 60-70% of its current item level counterpart to even make it worth using for classes that don’t benefit as much from proc based damage.

Circes circle ilvl 619 using stat gems: 4928 total
Other rings @ 619: 5281

That’s also not including the prismatic sockets. Again, what’s the point of using this ring when there are better alternatives.


I just finished rolling an ally toon to 80 and I know you’re not trying to call the Horde one dimensional in comparison to the alliance lmao

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You realize that this would also still just be Blizzard’s fault, right?

Blizzard: Writes Horde poorly.

Also Blizzard: Stops writing Horde at all.

This guy: “Well the Horde doesn’t make for good storytelling.”

Me: :melting_face:

As it should.


There’s definitely many people very overworked and underpaid trying hard on this. It’s not those guys that are to blame. I appreciate their efforts. Just because I don’t think I’ll like it doesn’t mean that it was easy to do. That said there’s definitely lackluster design (highly formulaic, with the standard unnecessary over-gating and yet another currency) and a lot of cut corners (hooray corporatism) and ect ect.

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Except for rated bgs and tw/anniversary raids I would think you’d like to be able to queue for things like normal, heroic, and tw dungeons with partial groups. At least I know when I saw cross-faction queueing that’s what I envisioned. I thought, “oh boy now I can run low-level stuff with one or two of my guildies’ horde alts” and then I was disappointed by seeing the full group requirement. Unless I’m misunderstanding something, requiring a full group does next to nothing for me and so does this change.

Because perceptions and philosophy change slowly and it’s best to take the cross faction stuff gradually imo. Eventually it might be the case that nobody cares who they randomly queue with but until that is clearly the predominant approach then cross faction in randoms should be opt-in.

They have been pretty consistently adding to the cross faction options and this is another gradual step in that direction.

Unless I’m mistaken this cuts out the travel time that would have been previously required with that group, places you directly in the dungeon, places you back where you were on completion, and in the case of heroics means you won’t be locked out from running it multiple times with your manually formed group.

I think it’s weird we will only have the ring at max power for 2-3 weeks at most.


we need sirens all over the isle. like those from supermarket sweep. give our characters shopping cart mounts.


I don’t get what people are expecting lol. It’s a .x.7 patch. These patches are never anything big or mind shattering

“iTs To ExTeNd SeAsOn OnE !!!1!1!!!” ugh . . patch 11.1 is like 2 months away, calm down.

It’s minor content to keep the game a bit fresh for a few weeks. My god people whine if we get content and people whine if we don’t.


On an island that’s like 200 yards across? It’s smaller than Dornogal. You’ll be fine.

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Which is the entire purpose of x.x.5 and x.x.7 patches :dracthyr_shrug:

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It is and im not trying to tear it down. I just wish there was more meat on it. A dungeon, a mage tower,even something more experimental like the tower you get the ring from in df.

Its no camera patch but would like a little more.


And the crowd goes mild!


I’m looking forward to the new filler between Solo Shuffles queues.

Interesting opinion. I don’t feel like there would be any animosity for everything to be cross faction at this point. I’ve noticed nothing but positive reaction to it (gameplay wise at least, lore being a different story). To me that ship has sailed and I’m ready to have all restrictions for faction groups removed, especially given that the opinions and enjoyment of this and recent content have soured/gone stale for many, diminishing the available players

Why? So you can complain about the last season being a year long?

You pay for the game and a monthly subscription… a bit dense to think wanting more value for that $ is entitled.

Simp or Stockholm syndrom but sad either way

oh, of course i’ll be fine… i will refuse to engage with that content if we can’t fly in it.

easy enough :slight_smile: