Since this more or less the same thing… can you revert the rare spawns on the two df zones now?
You know the ones you limited how many could be up because it revealed how dead and boring these quest hubs are for a playerbase that for better or worse lives in instanced content?
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Surely everyone on a break will return for this.
I think a comment like this is disingenuous. This is some serious goblin content coming and is a precursor to a whole goblin zone.
They need to dissolve the factions and make it that you pick an allegiance but are free to wander wherever you want.
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Not before Ethereals. Just sayin.
Re: cross-faction. No faster queues because it only works with a full premade. It’s like they had a good idea and then decided it was too much fun.
I just spilled some chocolate milk over the desk. Thanks for the laugh!
Because any time the Horde is included they do a terrorism and screw things up.
I wish I felt more hype for it. Maybe it will be great. I hope it is.
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I think this is great, more to do! I’m sure you’ll see all these people that hate on it running around even though they are the first ones to complain about it…I just wish I could tell them in game to go "fuk off " & not get a band; till then…go crawl back to hole you came out of, you miserable losers.
Yeah, this one and the next patch are Goblin themed. Apparently, Goblins are Alliance.
It’s a minor patch. Can’t remember them adding a raid or dungeon on a minor patch, except maybe Ruby Sanctum because of the content draught leading into Cata.
I mean, this is more than they used to do for minor patches.
It is scrapped BfA-content and I’m all in for them using this. People are just too spoiled and entitled for the wrong reasons.
A 6 week grind for the ring that you then nerf for the rest of S1 then it becomes obsolete a week into S2… pass.
You fooled us in dragonflight.
I ain’t falling for it a 2nd time.
Maybe this will give them incentive to finish and release the cut Gorian Empire/Ogre content from WoD. Gives me hope.
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If you just want free gear eligible for the catalyst mogging, get bloody tokens from war mode and use them. Despite how scary it might seem, it’s mostly free for alliance at this point. From the start they are LFR, upgrading them makes them the normal tint. The upcoming patch gear will likely be a good choice to use too.
Aww, does baby want some numnums while they’re crying over the new content?
Wait till everyone excited about cross faction queues reads the fine print that it requires a full group to work.
I wish I was excited about this content. I don’t think I’m going to care about it one bit. It’s sad bc I’m sure a lot of work went into it.
what if i dont want to return their call? I dont want to buy what their selling.
Goblins are on the alliance now? cool i didn’t know
The annulet sucked until the last weeks of 10.0.5/7 and was only good for like 4 weeks into 10.1 lol
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I don’t know if a lot of work went into it. Its just a daily quest hub with recolored trade post rewards.
It seems pretty filler.