Heavy-Handed and Unjustified

“Death Knights are not dying often enough, we NEED to do something about this, its ruining our game and its affecting our players in ALL content”

?? Help me understand can there be any POSSIBLE constructive benefit to this game for this to go live??

What is the purpose for “anyone’s” benefit to the reduce death knight survivability. Never have i’ve been witness to the overwhelming cut in survivability in “any” class in WoW.

Its not just the pve aspect but even the PVP was targeted when dks literally crumble from any physical damage, you reduce overall stamina, and magic reduction like literally the definition of what Death Knights are supposed to be represented by.


Hero class bro type of dev who has Wrath of the Lich King post traumatic stress disorder from when he ran into a Death Knight back then or something. Honestly can’t come up with another viable possibility when DKs get nuked for not dying enough while rets alone are doing just fine. So yeah, feels personal, it has been for a while, but if anyone has a better explanation, I’m all ears.


Unfortunately this isn’t even the worst they’ve done by a mile. Check out the pre season 1 nerfs they did to DKs in SL and DF. There is 0 reason these nerfs need to cross over into PVP though. Not sure which game they are playing but DK is a very viable target. These talents were also heavily nerfed in pvp and were in a healthy spot to add another pvp modifier on top is cruel and out of touch.


This is as asinine as their reasoning to nerf Demo Locks in Hellfire Citadel in WoD.

… Seriously, us Frost and Unholy are too survivable? Wat?

Here is to hope that we still are in the future…

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going into legion was a major kick in the nuts

lots of stuff was taken away and almost nothing was given back

will of the necro is nice n all but more is needed

I dunno, I think it’s warranted. Playing Unholy I feel invincible right now compared to any of my other characters getting shredded.

We’ll still be plenty tanky, just not passively invulnerable.

I’m still waiting for my compensatory damage buffs, seems they only released part of the DK changes /s

It is nice to have both DPS specs at the bottom of the meters outside of fights that don’t matter as they’re a mechanics check (brood & court).

It’s amazing to me that several other classes, who have already received significant tuning coming into tww and over the course of the expac, are getting yet MORE changes. Such is DK life though, I guess we all have to pay for Frost being soooooooo busted in m+, cough cough enhance cough cough….

Almost like people think the patch is coming out tomorrow and everything is going to be ruined.

How about this, get on the ptr when it’s available and test these things out and give feedback that isn’t just “Blizzard just hates DK’s just delete us if you hate us that much!”

You also have to do an honest critique of your own gameplay to tell if you are dying because of gameplay reasons or a result of the changes.

Blizzard hates death knights, They’ve hated us since cata and thats never changing.

Keep it civil i did actually ask what is the purpose of decreasing survivability of frost and unholy…in PvE and PvP situations because our death logs are lower than “tanks” which again is a M+ And Raid scenarios by their argument to bring us back to “sane levels”
Are you even playing your Death Knight recently at all? And there is no reason to login to PTR to test flat % reductions to Stamina and flat damage reductions.

None that I can think of.

Ummm, paladins say “Hi.”

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How are our deaths lower than tanks? If the tank dies, the group wipes unless you can Brez them fast enough and the surviving people can kite.

back before legion we had presences along with other stuff so we could mini-tank and the healer or someone could rez the tank so we didnt die and save the party an continue on.

good times but we cant do that anymore and it sucks

I remember presences. This character has been my main since 3.0.8 when they made it so you could make a DK on any server if you had a lv 55 somewhere.

But yea, we still have taunt and IBF, etc. If they don’t want us to be able to offtank for a sec, then take away taunt.

Like… why even say this? There is absolutely nothing within my post that was uncivil for you to even think about saying this.

This is the problem, people thinking there isnt a reason to test stuff and then wonder why the game is in a sorry crappy state that they hate. GO TEST IT!

My Mistake, I was not aware that we were needed to test the mathematics of what 20% and 12% actually is. Or Necrotic Wounds no longer heals at “all”. But with “further testing” it will be different?
Furthermore, their reasoning is “death rates” compared to tanks, …what data ? I was unaware tuning or balance passes were adjusted based on how clean my M+ runs are. DK’s certainly “suffer well in pvp” too with class representation and quite often are ideal kill targets, melee or caster. None of this adds up.


You arent testing the mathematics of it, you are testing to see if these hit Blizzards goal. Did you fully read the deverloper’s notes?

Currently Frost and Unholy Death Knights are incredibly survivable often boasting lower death rates then tanks and far above any other specs in the game. From a fantasy perspective it makes sense for Death Knights to be incredibly durable and their kit lends itself well to it, but it currently leans too far in the unkillable direction. We fully expect Frost and Unholy Death Knight to continue being one of the more survivable specs but this should bring them closer to a more sane level.

They are looking to bring DK’s in line because they are pushing towards the unkillable side of the pendulum. Since you clearly stopped reading mid sentence, it says they are far above any other spec in the game when it comes to survivability and they still want Frost and Unholy DK to continue being one of the more survivable specs.

THAT is what you would be testing.