Heart of the Jade Serpent not working Mistweaver Monk

I’m not sure if I’m just doing something wrong but I have tested this passive for the past 20 minutes and I haven’t seen any evidence of cooldowns being reduced for Mistweaver Monk. I tried proccing the passive before I used the skills listed in the tooltip and proccing it while those skills were on cooldown. Neither seemed to be working


I too have this problem. Nothing is reduced, whether I use the spell during the buff or get the buff while the spell is already on cooldown. I’ve not tried the DPS spec so I’m not sure if it works in that spec either, but it certainly doesn’t as Mistweaver


Bump. Still happening. Season in 2 days…

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Still not seeing any evidence of a 75% cooldown. Also it doesn’t state it, but if you use Veil of pride, it changes from consuming 10 stacks to requiring 20 stacks consumed to trigger.

Surprised I’m not seeing more people posting about this.