Heart of Azeroth necklace not account wide?

It also doesn’t feel good to know that the best way to farm AP is to be alliance and gain almost 20% more than horde. We’re on the 4th week of alliance being at 30% and horde 10%, it clearly isn’t working. Also Oceanic doesn’t deserve to be punished twice as hard considering they are Alliance dominated. Please be aware of how annoying farming is when it’s not even fair.

The reason why I can see them not doing it account wide is so that your alt isn’t apart of that catch-up system and Devs want you to grind more on alts. Certain privileges your main get your alt doesn’t, and I think this is one of them. I don’t see a reason to why this would be an issue, but to many is seems like it would be… :man_shrugging:t5:. I mean you still have to struggle with Rep grind for achievements, battle the RNG boss, weekly loots and RNG random loots from WQ/Loot crates, etc. On top of that, the expansion doesn’t even last long, so this would be one less problem to catch-up :man_shrugging:t5:. Players view things differently.

Are you two married?

Or marine biologists should stay in marine biology? Actually what is ghostcrawler up to these days?

I guess there’s a lot of you out there who enjoy not having a life by grinding the necklace. Foh

AP grind has become absurdly boring and such a chore. This is the first expac where I feel like I can’t really play my alts. The AP grind is so bad on my main, I have no drive to do it on my alt. The lessons learned in Legion should have been applied, and applied earlier. Matched AK/neck level to main. It doesn’t break the game to have an upgraded neck. It was already ridiculous that you’d get a 385 azurite before you could even max your 340/355 azurite usage. The probability is already small enough that my alt will get the right azurite pieces, I simply can not get myself to grind them out, even with the essence. I’m way better off getting 4 piece, even if it means using a weaker LFR or normal 4th piece. The worst part is, it was easier for my alts to get 385 azurite before, when I played it a little bit and got the +10 weekly chest to get 385 helm and shoulder, now it will not get a 385 chest unless I grind on it for essence for probably 2-3 weeks, and sure as heck won’t be doing +15’s on my alt in pugs with that io score on it.

says the community manager who’s job is to play wow


Blockquote We know it doesn’t feel good to put in more work to unlock the exact same traits you just had, and we said in the last Q&A that we’re working on that.

Yeah, you’re working on that by kicking the can down the road to 8.2 where you have already identified that the solution is to have the azerite gear all unlocked and pushing it to the neck. You’ve had weeks upon weeks to say “we need to fix this now” and implement the fixes PRIOR to the next raid opening up and clear this issue up.

Instead, you’re taking the new Blizzard approach of “too little, too late”. It is disgusting how lazy and fake Blizzard has become and has the retired founders rolling in their developer graves.


Yes, the azurite trait is a bad concept. Fix it, move on. I have seen expansion after expansion, short cuts are being implemented to make development cheaper and easier. But, the bug count is through the roof. Please, fix the azurite issues and get ahold of quality.

The necklace is boring. The traits feel flat and uninspired and don’t really change game play. The entire system is completely generic and bland. You took the best part of the system from Legion and threw it out the window and kept the goopy stuff in the bottom of the trash can.

It’s the end result of being completely out of touch with the player base.

Please take that back to the devs courtesy of Gunny.

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This is one of the biggest reasons why I don’t have a single alt this expansion.

So much grinding for no reward. It’s like I am time gated and content gated just to get to be able to participate in max level stuff. It’s absurd.

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I’m sure there’s a reason to stay subbed before 8.2. Just because I can’t think of one doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist…

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Frankly, you could save your money and just watch everything on Youtube without missing any of the essential experience.

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BfA is just one big “we forgot the lessons we learned in Legion” expansion.

They forgot no one likes the AP grind, super expensive consumables, poorly balanced legendaries/azerite gear, and classes feeling stripped down without abilities tied to gear.


Have to agree here. The priest I finished hitting 120 on late at night on the 30th is already pushing close to 25 on her neck without any real effort (I didn’t even cap islands for the week I finished leveling) outside of doing emissaries and a couple invasions. Wish the reduction was still going but I understand the reasoning behind stopping it; I just wish it had been communicated much further in advance.

Alts will not receive the ilvl boosts to the neck until you hit level 120, just like your main character. It’d honestly be a bit ridiculous to have 45 ilvls for free on your Heart for leveling itself.

Welcome back from the holiday break, Ythsy. Aren’t you glad to be back to this angry forum crowd that got up on the wrong side of the…year?

Peace and goodwill to GD.

Why would players be angry? – it’s not like they haven’t been telling Blizzard for months since release (and prior) that

  • the Azerite system is terrible, unrewarding, and uninspired
  • the Azerite armor traits are poor substitutes for set bonuses
  • the removal of secondary stats makes Azerite armor feel underwhelming
  • the pruning of secondary stats is easily felt in Azerite system vs older systems

So now that they’re seeing the flaws in their own system and it’s dawned on them that changes are needed – but 6 months away – players are staring at a near-term future where they knowingly have to suffer an admittedly terrible system.

Gosh you’re right, what’s to be angry about in 2019?!


Dear god, the entire Christmas Break and you have nothing to show for it? The largest chunk of free time available to me, and wouldn’t be surprised to learn it’s the same for many, and you got nothing to show for it other than a not even quarter leveled arbitrary, boring, and frustrating cornerstone of character progression?

Screw this game.

I am not even sure what you are complaining about at this point.

You are mad that someone else didn’t play WoW enough over the Christmas holidays to meet some sorta personal standard?