We have an oddly large roster, 28 or so for our 5/8M team, I can see locks and spriest being subbed in over DKs, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was sat, although I normally out preform our range dps, I’d argue the benefits of a Boomkin/aff/spriest would still be a dps gain over a DK, even without the extra stats but you also have to weigh in for example my Ret pally can’t use gear from QC, but i could trade the edict to our tanks or even the healing trinket if i was on my pally. Also what classes are you planning to use for Azshara, there is an argument that could be said for having mains in on the fight, and it is still doable without the preferred classes. Also BiS essences for a spriest are locked behind a 20day grind, R3 lucid is 6k naz follwer rep, and at 300 a day your looking at 2 weeks to get it unlocked 3 weeks for your minor focusing iris, C&S dependings on your rating in ranked pvp but I’d say for most players and raiders looking to farm it for pve, 3-5weeks, I’d say work on some alts on the side, but would think having mains in for QC might be better in some instances.
I think a lot of people are over reacting the pre purchase has been out for about 2days I would be easily it is fixed within the week, if not much sooner. And yes people care about essences and necklace ilvls, but I don’t think many people are going to deny you pugging because of it, they might remove you because you don’t know how to play your new boosted class, which I would guess is more likely than being a bit weaker in power. Same thing for people not wanting people who haven’t grinded essences, my warrior alt pugged 8/8H with r1 crucible of flame few weeks after my main got aotc, now a days that might be harder to do though.
I think people are mostly upset being “sold” the premise of a 120 boost that is incredibly flawed once applied.
A few examples are:
- Heart of Azeroth (the main BFA system) lacking 55 item levels (I think 45 from champions of Azeroth and 10 from uldir questline)
- Certain pieces of Azerite provided with the boost not working as intended by not being able to select traits, traits missing, etc.
- Glyphs being deleted on already created characters once boosted (I might be the only one experiencing this and sort of bothered by it considering the only other penance glyph on the AH is being sold at an absurd price currently)
All in all everyone’s just bothered it’s not working as it should and for it to be a flawed selling point to pre-purchase an expansion seems to put a bad taste in players mouths.
Still not resolved, this is kind of a pain.
Yep, boosted a 120 DH here who cannot do the following
- Cannot trigger artifact quest
- Cannot level neck above 398
- Cannot use portal room in SW.
Not complaining but for sure does not feel good not being able to do these things…
You should be complaining, the product you purchased isn’t 100% effective. No problem in complaining about that.
For the love of God, please fix this. Missing 55 levels on a single piece of gear has a HUGE impact on overall stats.
Fixed boyos, just relog if its not in effect
how to do you unlock essences on a boosted character?
The same as your other toons the quest to meet Magni is given after unlocking your faction hub in Nazjatar
anyone still having this problem? it’s 3 months later and i’m experiencing this exact thing.
I had this issue too , once I got my neck to around level 20 I was able to get it boosted to 50. I had a quest to see Magni but honestly I do not remember.
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my heart is level 57 but the ilvl is still very low for its level, i must be missing something important… ty for your help though 
At heart level 57 the ilvl should be 280 + 112 + 55 = 447. If it is less than that, have you unlocked essences / opened the heart forge after starting Nazjatar? That is where the +55 comes from.
If you have unlocked that then you may have to ticket it and talk to a GM. They fixed the initial bug as far as I am aware but if you perhaps didn’t log on to the character in a while? It may have missed the fix and perhaps a recent change broke it again.
Seems like the whole silithus questline is incomplete for my freshly boosted 120. Thats probs where the missing ilvl is. I will do it to see.