Heart of Azeroth ilvl for 120 Boost

Seeing the same issue here. Done the opening nazjatar stuff, have multiple essences, am AP level 59 yet my neck is only 396.

Same. Created a boost this weekend. My HoA level is 60 and it’s ilevel is 398.

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I also boosted a character this weekend. My HoA is up to level 62 and only ilvl 400. I have done every orange quest available, unlocked naz, no luck.

having same bug on the Monk i boosted

I’m experiencing this same problem on this character. I believe I’m missing the 45 item levels from champions of Azeroth and the 10 item level quest from Magni that requires you defeat void enemies in Uldir. Neither quest shows available for me.

I hope this gets hot fixed today or tomorrow at the latest.

Same. Is Blizz aware of this bug?

I logged a bug report for it. Hopefully we get a blue response soon.

Still not fixed as of 11/4/19 16:33 EST

The teams just got back from Blizzcon. I wouldn’t expect an immediate response.

It’s a pretty serious issue when you do a gigantic advertisement at a convention and then offer a preorder for that preorder to have problems. They don’t send their entire technical support team to Blizzcon and CMs should be on call 24/7 with the ability to post from cell phones.

We should expect better from a company in the year of our Cheeto 2019. The upgraded editions are expensive. People expect them to work immediately as stated.

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I am also having this bug, I have done almost the whole war campaign, and I have gotten to the rank 3 follower quest in nazjatar, but my neck item level is still stuck to the base item level before any of the former CoA rep ilvl boosters were applied and all that. I am trying to make this character my new main and having a neck that is missing about 45-60 ilvls is kinda making it hard to play.

this bug better get fixed before i have to raid on wednesday, its breaking my dps really bad

Newly boosted DK. I have another toon with the same lv heart “57”
Another toon of mine also has a 57 heart, its ilv is 440ish, where as my newly boosted dk is only 392.

Still have a tiny neck, plz help blizzard

It isn’t just 50 ilvls HoA is weighted to have a large amount of secondary stats. +45 ilvls gives you +315 to your haste, mastery, and crit , or +945 overall to your secondary stats, I was to lazy to figure out stam and main stat but each ilvl gives +7 to your secondary stats. 315 is equivalent to 6 gem sockets and we all know how important sockets are lol.

A lot of people in this thread seem to be upset that they are missing 45-55 HoA ilvls, which is pretty big, but I have to wonder about people upset because they can’t get gear because of it, or they need it before raid. I’m really lost on why you don’t just do content with friends/guildies until it is fixed, my guild runs a heroic 8/8 fun run on Saturdays which consists of out mythic teams alts and our heroic teams alts, and about 4-5 guildmates who only play on the weekend with us, I also run other alts with guilds im friends with that are also 5-7/8M on their mains and we legit don’t care what people bring to gear up in heroic. Seems odd to me it would be that big of a deal, I can see pugging potentially, but I wouldn’t turn down boosting a guildie because of their neck levels.

Edit - Yeah for guildies it really isn’t a massive deal, but for the game in general (any form of pugging, even questing in a way) you’d expect it to be working for that extra DPS

It depends on the class to be honest, for Shadow Priest its all about stat priority over ilvl, but having 315 of multiple stats missing is MASSIVE for DPS, any form of pugging its a mess because your avg ilvl is lower (and most people will base how good you are on your ilvl when pugging), though personally my biggest annoyance was that the Azerite Chest doesn’t work (atleast for Priests) and you can’t select the first trait, meaning you can’t select any trait on that piece until you upgrade.

Additionally, NONE of the items you get from your freshly boosted character are on the API, so whenever you try use RaiderIO or Raidbots (Droptimizer) for example if you have any of these pieces it will crash due to it being unsure of what items you have equipped. (ANYTHING that uses the API crashes)

It’s just poor QA Testing all around, they launched a product with massive advertising around it with a large variety of bugs that won’t be fixed until after Reset at the earliest. IF it was just the neck it’d suck but like sure it happens, but theres soooo many bugs that it’s not in a state to be launched imho, in saying that atleast they fixed the mount fast (The mount for the first few hours where you use the object to start the quest was a textureless box, a small thing but something you’d expect them to notice)

Then the Hearthstone animation- Its Sphere around it isn’t transparent (an oversight) but you can see the entirety of the sphere which ruins the animation in a sense, its a very small thing and unaffecting to the game, but when you’re paying for these things you’d expect that they would test them BEFORE throwing them into the game, the whole bundle just felt half-arsed in a sense.

Note I am most likely being picky at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

Bro its the point of not knowing and just missing out on 60 ilvl. If we dont say anything it wouldnt get fixed. The weird part is your LONG answer to something your dont care about lol.

ALSO… WeirdFlex bro.

The issue is people crying " This better get fixed before my raid on Wednesday" or “I’m main swapping I need this now” your main swapping in the middle of TEP, if that is the case I’d probably say you don’t need the ilvls for your heroic/normal raid, mythic raiders don’t just swap in the middle or progression, and those who already completed progression wouldn’t need the ilvls, as long as it is fixed before the next raid it really is inconsequential. When people first started mentioning it took a second for me to even recall the 45s ilvls and I’m someone who had did the rep on 6 characters before it was account wide, totally forgot about the +10 ilvls from the Magni quest line in Uldir until I read this thread.

Sure you’re paying something that has some minor bugs atm, but Shadowlands is still a least 6months from release, I don’t feel like any of the issues would break someones game and make it unplayable, if your boosting an alt, sure its a little less than normal. someone mentioning the API for the items isn’t working, maybe but it isn’t hard to find drops, they mentioned priest your BiS helm is raidiance your shoulders Atal from mythic + Za’qul for chest? ( not sure my alt spriest is only 436) I don’t play it often has the shoulders at 435 though. That really isn’t an issue, an animation bug on a hearthstone? still pretty minor, and people did buy it basiclly as soon as it was released, their is always hotfixes and bug fixes after every patch.

The only issue is if you came back to WoW and you got your boost, and this is your only 120, which no offense anyone coming back wouldn’t really need the ilvls from the neck this very moment anyway, you might not even notice your missing them until someone else told you. and still the vast majority of people wouldn’t care if you were missing some stats on your neck.

“mythic raiders don’t just swap in the middle or progression”

Coming from a 5/8M Team that isn’t actually true, we have a few raiders that geared up/are gearing up new classes because their current class is useless on the current boss thats being progged on, an example of this being Queens Court - DKs are useless due to the amount of movement, but something like a Warlock or Shadow Priest is insanely good for the fight, a few of those that have used this boost. It’s not insanely problematic but really it all comes down to “We should have these stats but we don’t”, its a disadvantage and makes everything take longer, just an inconvenience.

Also forget Shadowlands, we still haven’t even had 8.3 / The new 11 Boss raid yet :stuck_out_tongue: , and BiS sadly is all Residuum Azerite :frowning: , unfun but is what it is.

As for the rest of it yeah you’re right, and people definitely care about missing stats on neck - I mean, people care about essences- additionally as other players can’t see neck level they take a look at the neck level, see its low and then ignore it. Just did a +10 and sure its easy as but +300 of each stat would’ve made it go by that much quicker