Healthstones only having 3 charges feels clunky

Similar to the Blizzcon panel that described the tedium of mailing account bound items to yourself. Assume the best case scenario, having to replace the healthstone well every 3 pulls is already overly tedious. Considering that battle rezzes exist, it might be every 2 pulls. Then add that not everyone will use 1 or 2 uses of the healthstone on every single pull if they arent in danger of dying, and your party/raid will become desynced from each other and somebody new will run out and you need to place one every single pull.

Raid buffs are in a similar vein, but at least those are easily visible when others are missing them. Healthstones are invisible and create social conflict of needing to ask for them for no actual purpose. They could have 30 charges and the game would be immediately improved.

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Was going to make a joke on how I’m shocked you actually have people in your group USING lock cookies, but I agree with you.

I don’t know about 30 charages, but maybe changing the health stone to have a timer on it like flask or weapon augments aka they disappear after 30-60 minutes, have unlimited charges with the cooldown between using remaining unchanged. Would certainly ensure everyone is synced up on when the healthstones need to be refreshed :slight_smile:


You have to careful when asking for “buffs” to warlocks. They tend to swing the pendulum pretty hard on the return swing.

While I agree that yes, only having 3 charges is a baine, the Healthstone has received nerfs over the years and if one was to make it “Unlimited” or even have more “charges” while on the same cooldown. It’s healing affects would most likely be nerfed due to that. Gotta keep them PvPer’s and Alchemists happy

It used to be able to be used just like potions. A small 30 second cooldown and bam, you can use your healthstone again. But a lovely thing that ruins all things good within this game happened called PvP… and now you can only use a Healthstone once per combat. Just like our poor Demonic Gateway. Used to be able to use it all the time with no CD. PvP happened, and walla… 2 minute cooldown to use.

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It should just have infinite charges and 1 hour duration. It won’t have any relevant impact anywhere other than being convenient.

That is not PvP’s fault. It’s unbelievably powerful even with the CD (please just delete it, it’s the square hole of movement mechanics), if it didn’t have a CD we’d just never walk anywhere.

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You’d be surprised with the amount of “You cannot use this here” errors a warlock receives when they try to use it. It also still requires a warlock to cast, has a Cooldown, and currenlty costs 1/5th of my mana each cast. So even if a person wanted to use it to “Not walk” they’d be wasting the same amount of time if they mounted, and only be able to use it 5 times before they ran out of mana. So 200 yards?

I should clarify, the 2 minute cooldown I’m referring to is the debuff you get for using the darn thing now. Not the coolddown to cast the spell.

I mean in raid fights.

I know.