Healthstones bugged?

Once i use them they never come off cooldown

Anyine else?


It’s wasteful to get a new hearth stone every time you want to use one. Recycle dude.


there were a few reports the other day:


Yes, I tried to illustrate this in another thread specific to just demonic health stones.

I’m unsure what the intended cooldown is but it seems the way it’s been working this past week is one use and then a very very long cd, if that at all. I also don’t have 100% of the details either, but my M+ groups were telling me they were greyed out for awhile. Now one said he was unable to use a cookie because it was greyed out but eventually he was able to use one again as we were in group for over 4 hours. So I think the internal CD is borked, yep. They’re working for the lock so far as I can tell, mine have a 1-minute cd in combat.

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There actually is an in-game solution currently. You either have to die, or log out and back in. Other than that working as intended. :wink:

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I just marvel this game works at all.

I mean, seriously, as far as we know, Healthsones haven’t changes, especially mechanically, in decades. It only differs from other consumables (like healing or mana pots) because it has charges. Though I’m sure there are other similar artifacts affected by cooldown and combat with charges, I just can’t think of anything (perhaps quest powers), and who knows if they work or are bugged too.

And yet, somehow, someway, as they proceed to stomp upon the world for WW and Warbands, they managed to “break” Healthstones.

We don’t know how this game works, but it just seems so odd as a ripple effect that other changes have managed to crash into this. And it just makes me more marvel that they, somehow, manage to keep the whole thing working at all.

And it also just makes me patient. When folks start shouting out about this bug or that bug or stuff isn’t tested, and how “easy it should be”, “just fix XXX”, I assert that it’s an impossible task, demonstrably impossible task, and their backlog is a 1000 feet deep that they have to churn on endlessly.


Remember when they said years and years and years ago that they couldn’t give us more base backpack space because touching that code would mean a bunch of things would be affected and it was very difficult? I’m beginning to think that they have exactly one string of code and just add onto it with every update. What do you mean the patch altered my actions bars and chat settings and healthstones and how my weapon that has worked perfectly fine since Wrath of the Lich King is now suddenly visually broken? What did you guys touch to make that happen? :sob:


I was on my lock and tried to use healthstone and nothing happened. I didnt investigate i got distracted lol.

Guildie was in keys last night arguing about it. He was displeased.

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Yes same. Hopefully it gets worked out today. Super annoying.

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i don’t see it on hotfix notes

So with Pact of Gluttony, I couldn’t click the healthstone at all.
Without Pact of Gluttony, I could use it once and then it was forever on cooldown.
Dying without pact of gluttony allowed the next use of healthstone.

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I’m having the same problem with the Healthstone not working. Not with this Toon, but with my Warlock.

Edit: Switched to the Demonic Healthstone (DH) which now works as it should. Use the regular (green) Healthstone charge for the red Demonic Healthstone. Throw the regular Healthstone away. End up with the green Healthstone charger and red Demonic Healthstone.

The only time the DH switches to 0 is when I use the Hearthstone or use it up in battle. Just hit the green generator and you’ll have three uses again, both in combat and out of combat.

Try Bug Report

A problem I’ve found with Demoic Healthstones is they disappear when you leave an instance.


Sorry to hear that. I changed 4 of my 4 Warlocks to the Demonic Healthstone and they all seem to be working fine…so far.

My warlock is having the same problem. Healthstones are busted. I keep dying because of it.

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Yep my warlocks have this issue too!

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you have to think very strategically about their use. VERY STRATEGICALLY. CLEARLY the wow devs are going to turn wow into a strategy game.

Even on my Lock I had issues with greyed out healthstones. And they now poof when entering or leaving a zone or raid dungeon.

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