Healthstone/Potion macro check

Just looking to see that this will do what I’m intending it to do:

/castsequence reset=60 Demonic Healthstone, Algari Healing Potion

What I’m looking for is something that will use my personal healthstone first, then my healing potion if the button is hit again within 60 seconds, otherwise if past 60 seconds will use my healthstone again (since the cd on it will be up).

More complicated, but is there some sort of @exists clause that will check if healthstone exists before trying to use it? Or it is easier just to tap twice as necessary.

Depends on what you need…
You might get a better use case out of two lines of /use

/use Demonic Healthstone
/use Algari Healing Potion

It will prioritize the top line - but should use the second if the first isn’t available… the only draw back if you wouldn’t see the Algari Health Potion in any #showtooltip part of the macro.

No, that doesn’t work - in the way I’m looking to do. Without a conditional, it will just use both of them (provided availability). Might have been ok in the past but is super overkill right now.

A shift modifier could also work but given its an emergency macro, I just need something to hit in a split-second without thinking about it.

The only recommendation I’d make is to switch the item names over to item IDs item:itemid. There’s been numerous reports of potions not working in macros this xpac when they’ve been name based.

/castsequence [known:386689] reset=60 item:224464, item:211880; reset=60 item:5512, item:211880
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I bet its because of the quality nonsense.

Anyway thank you, that looks like it does whats needed.