Health Regen Addon

Does anyone know of an addon that tracks what my health regen is at if not can someone explain the math behind spirit for warriors because im tired of guessing what it might be at.

Weak Auras?


I honestly have no idea how to mess with that.

Why not use first aid and cooking and not worry about the health regen?

I use an addon called fivesecondrule I believe is the name… it’s an addon I use to track when I will get the next tick of mana back so that I can successfully utilize my evocation to its maximum potentional as well as tick drink when needed (if you drink right before you regen you gain the full drink just for that split second so you can essentially drink while walking forward). This trick also works with food because the regen tracks not only mana but health as well. I believe spirit is the amount you get back rather than the speed at which you get it so this addon should show you what you’re looking for