After playing Plunderstorm. When I then log back into WoW retail the health display (I have numbers and % on) on healthbars is gone. The option is still selected in the menu. To get them back I have to turn them off and then back on in the menu. I also loose my target of target, but that option is actually turned off in the menu (even though I did not turn it off). This happened every time after playing Plunderstorm.
im having this issue as well too anyone find how to fix it yet?
Having the same issue as well, commenting to +1
anybody have issues with this??? been trying reset the game and repair and stuff no luck still fix your game blizzard
Happening to me as well.
I was able to turn my target of target back on, but no way to fix the health numbers/percent, even after reselecting the option to show it.
i also notice my tutorials start showing up again after playing Plunderstorm on top of health percents resetting and a lot of other setting in general.
In addition, I now have the “no purple outline” bug on all treasures. Outline is on in the graphics and interface tabs. Started with Tuesday’s patch.
I’m having this issue as well. I noticed while flying Dragon Isles and trying to find where the treasure icons were in the world
Same and my UI has been all messed up all the time.
Same thing happened to me after Plunderstorm.
The numbers will show up if you mouse over the health bar.
If you open the settings, turn off “both” (or which ever you have) and then turn it back on, it will stay on until you play Plunderstorm again.
Annoying AF, but not as bad at the constant chat channel turning on bug
Blizz manages to break so many things every time they patch something - even a mini patch.
Do you know where abouts in the options it is?
Is it Gameplay → Interface → …
I’ve been searching everywhere and can’t see it.
EDIT: I found where to change it back. Here’s an image of where to go.
Thanks so much for this. I would have hoped blizz would comment on this stuff after deliberately keeping the patch off of the PTR.
I had this same issue with the health/mana/power bars and had to reselect my settings. I also had the camera resetting on me when I had it selected to never do that. I fixed it by unselecting it and re-selecting it.
Thank you, worked for me once I changed it away from both, then back again.
Bumping to keep this fix alive for others.
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