Health bars over Ox statue

Why this hasn’t happened?

I use Ox statue very effectively. I heal it, share aggro with it… but it’s REALLY hard to target when mobs are covering it.

I made a macro to help. If it had a Health bar like pets, maybe healers in a group would figure out they can also heal it.

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Bruce is my favourite! I don’t use him anymore though just due to the sheer utility for pretty much everything I get out of Ring of Peace, but yea he’s a little hard to target sometimes! I tend to put him on focus so I get that health bar. As long as I don’t need focus for anything else, it works well enough.

I think they don’t give it a health bar like pets because he’s not actually controllable. Hmm, I wonder, can you create health bars and such with Weak Auras?

*Edit: Neat, someone already made one :smiley:

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