To start off, I am not trying to do a mouseover macro. I simply want to be able to click a players health bar and use my mouse keybindings to heal. But when i try if my mouse is hovering over any player health bars no healing keybind works.
It works perfectly fine with keyboard hotkey heals. This is not a problem with mouse keybinds and dps. My mouse can be sitting anywhere after i target a npc.
This is a huge annoyance for raiding and a minor issue for dungeons. Where im having to move my my mouse back and forth between the health bars and the middle of the sceeen for keybinds to work
I’ve really only used about 3 addons. Dps meter, DBM, and weak auras. And I assure you i used Mouse button 4 and 5 religiously for rejuv/lifebloom and never had this issue. But thank you. Your wording has helped me. “Unit frames eat mouse clicks” I have stuff I can actually look into now.
Also my Naga is mapped to keyboard buttons. Like 1-4 works fine if i use keyboard but the moment i try to use my razer naga to cast regrowth if my mouse is over a unit frame it fails to work.
I use vuhdo and since patch my unit frames aren’t changing color when a player gets a magic debuff. I’ve updated my addons and i’ve never had this issue in previous patches.
I’m wondering whats up? It’s difficult knowing which player needs to be dispelled now.
My guess is that it likely is a byproduct of the changes made to dispels that was outlined latest patch notes. For reference this is the section I am referring to:
Macros that use the non-healer versions of dispels will now override the ability with the healer dispel variant if the player is in a healer specialization. This applies to Discipline, Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, Restoration Druid, and Restoration Shaman. Mistweaver Monk and Preservation Evoker already had this functionality.
A change like this could definitely cause the issues that you are experiencing and it most definitely will likely require some changes to the addons code and maybe some changes to the in built macro setups that it uses to resolve it.
This issue thankfully seems to be fixed on the latest build as of this morning. It was driving me crazy last night because I was also having this same issue and it wiped my raid lol