Healing Stream Totem - Please buff!

Healing Stream Totem in the Shaman class tree is severely undertuned. It isn’t worth the talent points for Enhancement or Elemental Shaman unless the elemental damage reduction is needed for a particular encounter.

The actual healing on the totem is terrible, equalling barely more than one healing surge over 18 seconds even with extra talent points invested. If you invest points into healing surge, boosting its healing on yourself or if you empower healing surge with maelstrom weapon stacks, healing stream totem heals far less than one surge over its duration.

Earth Shield which also takes one global to apply heals more for its duration and also boosts your surge by 20%.

The discussion of Hybrid dps heals is always brought into utility and defensive discussions. Can we make this totem something worth using to heal your party or yourself? That would actually be something useful because it’s just one global and that’s all it takes away from your damage unlike casting surge on your party which not only takes the cast time but also eats up maelstrom weapon stacks further lowering your damage.

Again, Healing stream totem heals about 18% of your health over 18 seconds. Can we boost the healing of this totem at least by 25-50%? To compensate, you can nerf living totems in the Resto tree so that it keeps the same power for Resto shaman.

This totem has always been a feel good totem to drop for your group, but the healing in it currently is just pitiful and not worth the talent points.

Alternatively, what if instead of buffing the healing, it instead buffed healing received? To assist the healer. So heals someone, and then gives them a……10 sec? Buff of 5-10% improved healing received

Edit: in addition, maybe not buff healing but buff how frequently it heals. Like every 3-4 secs it heals everyone within its radius instead of just one person (capped at max 5 people at once)

HST isn’t the only thing that tickles

Renew, rejuv and reversion isn’t worth space on my hotbar anymore. Well reversion is ok with an echo but standalone I don’t bother.

Just got my mistweaver to 70 so I’ll see how bad Renewing Mist is performing

Rejuv for resto is very much worth casting. Rejuv for dps specs is definitely not worth it, same deal as shaman dps. Healing stream totem is great for resto, but terrible for dps.

HST is really bad right now. It needs big buff on the healing. If it’s a balance issue I would rather the CD be increased (for Ele/Enh only) and the healing buffed a lot. Ele/Enh already have enough buttons to press. Maybe a 1 min CD that actually heals?