Healing in WPVP

My 2 cents but….

Healers should take additional damage when out in WPvP just as tanks do. (Roughly 60% increased damage taken)

Why? Because there’s no dampening in WPvP.


Healers are perfectly killable in both WPvP and BGs by competent players.

I assume you’re a spriest, one of the absolute best healer killers, so this is a rather amusing ask.

I love being unkilable and trolling nabs.

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I will have to disagree, in a clash between a healer and a dps, both without any type of external buff or consumable in an open world, if the healer is not well below average the dps will not be able to kill him, of course there are exceptions, there are healers who allow their hp to get low and end up being targets of stun or interrupt and actually die, but in this case their incompetence is a crucial factor.


The game thankfully isn’t balanced around one average DPS being able to kill one healer.

That would be terrible for everyone. One healer isn’t going to kill a good DPS player either, however, at least not in a remotely timely manner.

I agree because even with dampening, things take a long time to die.

A healer most certainly should be killable by just one dps player, It would be a war of attrition that may take forever but it should be achievable.

This stems from groups running around in WPvP with a healer.

How is it fair for a tank to take an increased % of damage in WPvP and a healer to negate this?

They remain eminently killable if you know how to press buttons. Try outplaying them.

False equivalence. Healers aren’t anywhere near as tanky as tanks would be if tanks didn’t have increased damage taken. Tanks are, in fact, still tanky, despite their gargantuan damage taken increase modifier; they would be literally unkillable if they didn’t have it.

May as well ask why DPS don’t have an increased damage taken debuff when grouped with a healer.

I feel your argument proves the lack of knowledge you have in the game. Did you just start playing ?

Oh look, the attempted ad hominem starts. Deeply ironic from a spriest who thinks healers are unkillable without dampening.

You know who typically posts topics about immortal healers? Random BH heroes who don’t know how to do damage or when/what to interrupt.

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So did you start playing in dragon flight ?

Someone who got all their PvP achievements in SL saying this to someone who’s been playing since TBC is legit making me cackle.

Has no relevance whatsoever to the topic at hand either, unless we wanna discuss how dampening wasn’t even in the game 'til late MoP, and it has never been necessary to kill healers in BGs or WPvP since its inception.


I don’t really think you grasp the actual reason for the post.

Healers need to be given consequences when WPvPing and I’ve brought an example that’s currently being used. You aren’t really bringing much to the table.

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As a former Discipline Priest main and a current Survival Hunter main since Dragonflight, I’m a bit conflicted on this. :sweat_smile:

I don’t think a single DPS should be able to take down a healer easily, but I also remember how incredibly tanky my Disc Priest felt, even without world buffs (though those definitely made me even harder to kill). If healers were to receive increased damage taken in WPvP, similar to how tanks do, it definitely shouldn’t be to the same extreme, maybe like 10% or something.

Alternatively, instead of increased damage taken, maybe they could add a mechanic where healers spend more mana in WPvP. Could help wear down their sustain over longer fights.

Thank you Mr. Troolys. Now this is using your head and bringing something to the table.

Some people could learn a thing or two here B)

Thing is tho, balancing that with larger group fights.

You want them to be able to survive a bit getting hard focused by large groups.

My thing with tanks and healers both has always been, I don’t mind them surviving a crazy amount of stuff, but they shouldn’t be able to inflict much DMG either. Should always just be a draw.

But then you also get groups that stack 15 healers… But I guess none of that really matters blizz has pretty much wiped out all large scale wpvp groups from playing.

Some of them are still here, they just moved on to epic battlegrounds.

Yeh, theyre dead.

I think healers should take levels of dampening in the following scenarios in wpvp:

  1. They are grouped up with 2 or more players, increasing the rate at which the dampening stacks per added party member beyond 3 by 2 seconds.
  2. They have been in combat for over 30 seconds. Adding heavy stacks every 10 seconds. This way your group of dps have to end fights quickly and means they cant 5 man dominate a pvp world quest forever.
    Both of these wouldn’t really change much being most wpvp fights end pretty fast, but would add a level of needed coordination to keep your healer protected.
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