So I have just about every class/spec healer friend telling me they are bored of the PVE content in SOD. I understand them because we often only bring one or two healers to a 20+ man raid. This seems completely overlooked. DPS and Tanks might be having more fun, but healing seems mighty underused with how powerful they could be. LETS GO! MAKE THEM HEALERS WORK! we miss it.
Dev’s dont play healers…
One of them did in Legion…as a Holy Paladin.
How else can we explain the fun that was Melee Holy. Top Heals, top overheals, middle of the pack DPS. It was a blast.
It’s because priest bubblespam is invalidating all the other healers
Agreed, I liked the nerf to 10% because at least it showed us that the devs realized it’s a problem, but I think it was the incorrect nerf. Priest still and will spam PWS, it just won’t do as much healing. It needed a cooldown of around 3 seconds to prevent it from being abused and spammed. Hopefully the devs will realize this and adjust the nerf.
Without soul warding the cd on shield is 4 sec. It would be basically useless at 3 seconds
I miss our healers, i really wish they would spice up the healing. Im a tank usually so im not sure what its missing but i do hope they listen to the feedback from healers about it.
Basically healers are overpowered, and bosses don’t do much damage, so there is no threat of people dying and it just turns into who can snipe heals fastest instead of working as team to survive the boss. Then in phase 4 they introduced a priest rune soul warding which allowed priests to put endless shields on the entire raid and it would eat up the little damage that went out so other healers sat there and did nothing. they nerfed soul warding down to 10% from 15% but imo it needed a cooldown so players would stop abusing the spamming play style of shielding the entire raid. They left mage healing alone though which is so busted compared to all other healers. They need a big nerf as well.
So priests need to be able to bubblespam the whole raid and if they can’t, it’s “basically useless” ?
because it is boring. neither the tank or raids take enough damage. like my mage currently caps out at like 3.2k sustained healing but i usually never get anywhere near that. its like being a melee dps where every boss just consists of an air phase.