Healing in PvP. What happened?

Haven’t played much after last season but I noticed PvP healing as enhancement is terrible. Almost not worth using maelstrom for healing. This is during world PvP and battlegrounds.

I don’t recall it being so diminished for PvP. When did this happen?

They have actually buffed enhance healing in the last few patches. If you run stormweaver you can heal for a ton. I honestly don’t know what it’s like to try and heal without stormweaver but I did a couple blitzes earlier in the week where I ended up with over 10 million healing and one of our main healers had less than me.

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I’ll have to try it out.

This. Take Stormweaver. In most bgs I’m 3rd or 2nd in healing just behind one or both of the healers.

Also, Don’t forget to take talents that buff Healing Stream totem and drop it as much as possible.