I mean not killing a single healer as 3 people is usually user error, especially if they’re solo sitting a node. They don’t really have the kit for that and it’s kind of detrimental to their team as a whole if they are.
Make them too fragile and the strat becomes like the low mmr one where everybody just dogpiles and overwhelms them. Esp in arena.
I kind of like when the strategy is just kill the healer. But then healers don’t queue, and my healer’s always in danger. Remember folks, if we get healers nerfed, we got our healers nerfed.
I saw this a few weeks ago with a Monk healer. It was 3 v 2 at a node and we killed one of the guys so now its 3 v 1 the healer. Im in pvp gear and doing my rotation that blows people up. Monk is in no danger of dying. They hung out for ~30 seconds taking all our damage then walked off completely nonplussed.
Was doing bash, silence, etc. Didnt matter. I have 300+ arena 2v2 wins and so am not a PVP noob, know about timing kill shots, etc.
PVP in this game is garbage now Im glad I gave it up. WoW quality of life is a lot higher by not engaging in the part of the game the devs dont seem to care about. For years all I did was PVP but this is the worst Ive ever seen it.
…And probably DRing your CCs, giving out free Precogs, etc.
MW is one of the squishiest, if not the squishiest, Healers in the game. If he wasn’t dying, it’s because he was healing in your face, and if he was healing in your face, it’s because you let him. Easiest Healer in the game to shutdown, seeing as they channel SooM to “Insta-cast” - and 3 of you couldn’t do it.
Every healer in the game can face tank 3 bad dps. Everyone believes you when you say 3 of you couldn’t bring down a healer, but 3 good dps are scary to any healer
3 bad dps should never bring down a good healer, this is by design
With every class right now being insanely scary it’s crazy people struggle to kill healers. I’ve never feared for my life at 100% health more than I have right now but all it takes is one 3 second stun and I see everyone around me drop 50% health
Destro locks hitting for 10 mil in BGs
Aimed shots hitting for 7 mil
Fury warriors doing insane, unhealable damage
WW monks slicing for 5+ mil
Boomies hitting 2+ mil starfall ticks
I don’t even know what arcane mages do, I used to rarely see them, but you ignore them for a second and your health bar is gone
Plus CC that used to break on any damage is being super wonky. I don’t know how it works, but I’ve seen people lose half their health in my monk incap before it breaks. Other times it breaks on white damage. Wild times for this game right now
Balance druid. I dropped 3 treaents on them which makes Wrath explode and causes a ton of very fast dmg… While Im doing my thing, 2x other DPS are also trying to kill this monk. They were completely nonplussed and literally just walked off.
Force of Nature grants 3 charges of Dream Burst, causing your next Wrath or Starfire to explode on the target
This same rotation can take 50%+ HP off a geared Pally. I use this rotation to blow people up in BGs on a regular basis.