Healing DK's

whats the deal with DK tanks. Im running all my Hots on them and then whole dungeons its 100% health then 30% and back to 100% and ping ponging health bar. zero smoothness to their damage curve or is it just my groups so far?


hi, so DKs do that. you shouldnt ever really have to heal your blood DK because that is their whole gimick. thats how they tank really they just heal it all back


DKs basically heal themselves. They are just fine on their own until they aren’t, but you just don’t know when that will be as a healer, which is the “fun” part about healing them.


Watch there Runic Power bar, if it’s low they’re going to drop like a lead balloon. If it’s full sit back and relax.


its heartattack inducing


Good rule of thumb

Is their runic power bar full? They’re not gunna die
Is their runic power bar empty? They’re already dead

Either way, its very rarely your problem


i assume your new to resto druid i happen to main it so i get it. just know if they die its their fault not yours.


I played all of season 1 with druid and just came back—I knew they were spiky but seems kinda crazy this time around


DKs are basically healers


sooooo much this. as a healer main my anxiety is thru the roof w/ them sometimes i hate it so much lol


That’s how DK tanks tank.

As a healer, you should be tracking the blood DK’s runic power bar more than health bar.


I have a macro that I’ll press if I need you like ‘please save me my runes low’

Otherwise don’t worry about me.

In super high keys usually just use something like pain supp/cocoon on big boss damage events.

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So idk how your UI is set up but i can see their resource bar and stacks of bones. And i know as long as its above like 50% and they have bones up they good

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that’s how bdk works

they don’t need to be healed often, just externals if they run out of a cd to use for a big hit or are going in dry (no cd and/or runic power)

they heal themselves and their hp will go 100 to near 0 over and over

a wise man once said, you (healer) dont have any control over whether a bdk lives or dies. its very hard to save them

so don’t stress, if the bdk is competent they’re not your problem and you’re not there for them

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tbf most tanks are self suffent now. Healers mostly just heal dps :stuck_out_tongue:


Not even remotely true. All tanks, save for said DKs can use healing. Hots 
 whatever, but to say they dont get slammed on occasion is just silly.


It’s pointless to heal a DK tank. Either they have the resources to use Death Strike and top themselves back up to 100% from 1%, or they don’t have the resources and they’re going to die no matter what you do.

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You only really need to heal them when they’re out of runic power, as others have mentioned, and you don’t have to worry too much when they drop low for two reasons → death strike healing is based off damage taken, so when they get chunked they can chunk their health right back and → will of the necropolis is a very powerful talent that applies a flat 20% DR when they’re below 30% health.

You do have to be careful when they don’t have stacks of bone shield though because they are more susceptible to one shots than other tanks, but you really can’t do anything about that except use externals.


Or just focus on healing the dps. If they are good and they don’t step in the fire ask them to occasionally trip and fall on the fire so you can toss a heal. This is what a “vampire” tank looks like.

As ither have said look at the dks runic power. You can kinda gauge when they will need your attention based on that