Healing as a Holy Paladin

I recently started to dabble as a Holy Paladin for Mythic Plus, and I am starting to get deterred. I cannot tell if it is because Tanks are so strong now, or just the playstyle of Holy Paladins, but I don’t feel like what I am doing is working.

I am doing Keys in the 12-15 Range. Tanks overall healing is higher then mine, more times then not, and surprising. Their damage is either top, or second. All the while I need to be in Melee to get crusader strikes off so I can even heal. I am not calling for Tank Nerfs - I just don’t know what I am doing wrong.

Aside from my complaints about the class. I come mainly to ask how much overall healing and damage should a Holy Paladin be doing in keys in the range previously mentioned.

I normally have 4.5-5k Overall Healing and 2.5-3k Overall Damage.

Is this a “normal” or “acceptable” range? People don’t generally die, so I imagine I am doing a proper enough job. Well, unless there is AoE healing or multiple spikes in a row and I don’t have WoG or Holy Shock up.

Seriously, Flash and the other Heal is so bad I don’t ever use it… And with this week being Spiteful, if I am not in melee range I can’t do any healing.

In the downtime I build up Holy Power and just spend it on Light of Dawn to fish for Wings proc. But, then when I have wings up… what should I be doing? 5 holy power then shield so I have enough power for heals when they are needed? Should I only use WoG when I have 5 holy power and not 3?

Again, My groups don’t die. We have a few deaths… but no more then when I don’t heal. It just feels awful when a tank does more healing then I do. I mean… the only healing I do is on DPS. I almost never heal the Tank at all… Beacon or not.

This dynamic is more about the group and/or the particular tank than about you. Groups that don’t take that much damage don’t require that much healing. And lots of tank healing is done through absorbs, which are going to pre-empt you heals anyway. A Paladin with First Avenger, or a Guardian with Ursoc’s is going to absorb a TON of damage before you even start to need to heal them. So very often, healing less than the tank is really not a cause for concern.

Usually means things are going fine.

Basically the same, only everything you do is stronger. Which often means you will be able to add damage more effectively.

Generally with Paladins, you focus on building rather than spending- prioritizing building results in more finishers than if you just spend immediately. Now of course, healing is a moment-to-moment thing. If someone needs a heal RIGHT NOW, and you have 3 HoPo, you hit 'em with WoG. Keep the group alive. Part of playing Paladin (honestly one of the most uncomfortable parts if you aren’t used to it) is getting a feeling for when you can continue to build while a party member is injured versus when you should heal immediately.

Paladins are pretty CD dependent. What covenant are you, and do you have your tier set yet?

This week can be pretty rough, mostly for necrotic since that reduces our healing on tanks, with spiteful you can use HoJ to stun them real quick and get a few melee hits in.

When wings proc just heal as normal, just be sure to include HoW casts now since it adds to HP generation. You’ll want to avoid using your hard cast spells as much as possible unless you are using FoL when everything is on CD and on the tank for a quick HP generation.

As for tanks out healing, I wouldn’t sweat it too much at the end of the day if no one else dies and you get the mythic completed in a timely manner then you did your job.

I would suggest using the website wingsisup, it provides all the information holy paladins need in both the mythic plus and raiding environment.

Dont waste your time with holy. Blizzard has declared that you must play prot or reroll. Hpal damage sucks, healings sucks, no kick, no lust, no bres, no earth ele, no vortex, no ring, not ranged. You have bop, that’s basically all your utility. Your damage that made you viable is gone now. Waste. Of. Time.

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Also if you look into wingsisup, keep in mind that ellesmere mains priest now.

Hpal is no longer cd dependant now with 60-80% uptime on wings. Unless were talking AM(lol 15% dr)

I’ve hated how Holy has been since BFA. While I get we were godly in Wrath, the consistent nerfs on healers since Cata has been seriously annoying, and the last couple of expansions have seriously screwed Holy from being a strong single target healer but also essentially removing the majority of our AoE healing abilities.

Light of Dawn is just too damn reliant on positioning, and especially trying to run or move out of crap on the floor, you can end up turning enough to waste the cone trying to hit a group of raiders. We have little to no splash heals off our main HL and FoL spells, and Beacon is limited to one person. And I -HATE- that we have to dodge in and out trying to get the odd Crusader Strike just to keep our HP up enough for WoG.

Was a long time Holy player since Classic and loved to heal. Haven’t been once since the start of BFA. Just too painful and frustrating versus the time and effort involved.

Holy was fun in BFA and SL Season 1. But we’ve received nerf after nerf after nerf, particularly to our damage… how about you just buff the other healers Blizz? The only “problem ability” was Ashen Hallow, we did not need our core toolkit nerfed to the ground.


You guys are making me feel like I made a mistake choosing Paladin as my healer.

I am currently 3/5 Tier. Helmets and Shoulders don’t seem to exist, because none of them drop. Even in a 4/5 plate wearer group.

I am also Kyrian for the time being. The controlled AoE Heal is too strong to give up. I was considering Necro when I get 4 set along with the DoL Lego for 40y Range, but that hasn’t been decided on yet.

I think Necro is more damage oriented and Kyrian is more Healing, so while “learning” Holy. I like the comfort blanket of the burst AoE Heal. I could be wrong though, as I don’t even know what the Necro ability even does. I just know it syncs well with 4 set, or so I’ve been told.

I should note, I only have the Unity Lego right now, since the Primary depends on which Conv I decide to stay with at 4 set - so I haven’t bothered making it since the Pally alt is on a server by himself so Gold is limited, so I can’t make all 3, yet.

The Mad Paragon for DPS will work with both Convents, then Shock Barrier for Kyrian and Shadowbreaker for Necro. Those are the options I’ve been looking at, and I am only sitting on 25k Gold so I can only get one for now and the deciding factor is which Tier piece I get first and which Conv I go with.

Why did anyone ever think ashen was broken? Rshams are doing higher relative damage now than hpal ever did in SL, but that’s fine because hpal had BoP and AM the 2 most amazing abilities in the game.

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