Healers should quit

i made a post about this and im 100% with you. I get cc for like 25s in arena. Like how is that even legal

They should just get rid of the Toxic CC in game and greatly reduce CC by some of these Classes. There is just too much spammable and instant CC.

Everyone should get 1 CC it’s on 30 Sec CD. Then maybe PvP will have some depth and skill.

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  1. Resto druid is one of the best healers in game.
  2. Revert dampening change and see how it changes things.

I agree but in the meantime can dps in solo shuffle understand going around that pillar at 30% life isn’t a good idea just because you’re a demon hunter.

Lets start there.


Healing has been zero fun since Shadowlands. Damage is too high compared to the relative power of healing unless your spec is exceptional, and in many games it feels like whether or not your DPS die is more dependent on them than you.


You don’t even need to be the only healer. My solo shuffle rating is pretty bad, but I can carry most random BGs. I think a lot of people queue as healer despite having no idea what to do because it’s easier to get honor.

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I feel this pain, in a solo shuffle just by a paladin I sat in a 5 second HOJ and 7 second repentance, 12 seconds of absolute pain while my teammates are getting railed by overturned damage.

I enjoyed Rsham the last season of SLands. IDK why their Healing Surges feel so weak now compared to then but yeah. I can see how horrible it is to heal atm, and am not even trying when I can play ele or Unh. Imagine playing anything other than a rdruid or evoker btw. Masochist gameplay

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Quit, bc pretty much all melee heal themselves.

He said healing in rated arena, not random battlegrounds. Do us a favor find a team queue rated arena with dampening and come back and tell us how much fun it was healing.

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The topic was ‘healers should quit’ because it is not fun and then gave an example from arena. I gave a counter example. My reply was fine.

Re; dampening: I don’t mind it - have replied on it in another post.

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I don’t pity healers after seeing so many DPS today have sharpen blade into 30% dampening have their HP spike time and again even after dumping blow after blow of 45k executes.

Healers don’t need to be raid bosses. They can actually be balanced for once and not take 15 minute games.

maybe all CC could be reduced by 15% in rated SS due to the lack of coordination.


Why is it healers wanted dps healing nerfed and now they cry that keeping people alive is too hard?

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Was it easier to heal when dps had some sustainability? Healers cried and complained about dps healing and so Blizzard nerfed it. Now you are expected to keep everyone up because this is what you wanted. Reap what you sow and all.

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I honestly do feel bad for you healer’s I would never want to heal Rated Arena’s because as you said CC And MS its just nuts plus in Ranked Solo Shuffle every match starts out with At or around 10% Dampening to heals and that’s already on top of the Classes that have MS which seems to be most classes Not all But most. its just not enjoyable at all whatsoever for healer’s. But on the other hand playing as a Melee Dps Class its very enjoyable For the obvious reasons, enormous amounts of sustained damage output, MS, CC etc… not to Mention ranged classes, Specifically in Ranked Solo Shuffle just get trained down and there’s Nothing they can do about it. Rant OVER

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The issue isn’t DPS being alive goofy, the issue is healers being able to go and make a coffee and come back before the CC chain on them is over. TBH I think all CC needs to share a DR in modern wow. Afking for 30 seconds because you made a positional mistake 1 time for 1 second in a 5 minute combat encounter isn’t compelling gameplay.

Imagine if there was a mechanic where melee were tethered to their healer and everytime they overextended past a range they got auto stunned for 30 sec by this mechanic. No melee would play either.


And yet CC is 20% less duration than any other expansion ever. Hmm.

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You play triple dps 3s or something like that? Healers (and women) aren’t your enemy.

I’m simply pointing out complaining about long CC chains when CC is 20% less across the board seems strange to me.

Just like the healers who wanted DPS heal nerfs and now cry that people die too fast.